All Monsters % guide (All monster Portraits)
All Monsters % guide (All monster Portraits)
Uppdaterad 1 year ago av GracefulShutdown

If you are really seriously considering running this category, I will call you one thing. And that's crazy. This category is nuts, and would be nearly 10 hours long as far as I can tell, assuming you do everything in one gaming session. I unfortunately am not at a stage in life where I have the ability to dedicate that much time to one run, yet alone grind all of the monsters in one sitting.

This guide borrows heavily from the Falsebound Kingdom Walkthrough on GameFAQs well as the "how to find every monster" guide on YouTube, mostly for moisture creature.

I think that fair rules are as follows:

  • Time starts when you select your first campaign and ends when you collect the last monster

  • You must collect ALL monsters in the game, collect being defined as the monster's photo exists in some state (available for adding to team, or unavailable) under the monster select screen.

  • You must summon all 12 fusion monsters

  • You must complete all 7 Ritual transformations

  • You must item summon all Egyptian God monsters

  • If the monster goes away due to ritual summon, the original monster that was upgraded still counts towards completion. You do not have to have all possible monsters available at the end of the game.

-- If this was the case, add another playthrough of Yugi story to get the Badlands monsters.

  • Money cheat, IMO, should be enabled as you're looking at minimum of 6 hours just for any%-ing the base game at WR pace, and that's before we add two additional campaigns and getting all the monsters.

I would add on that an additional rule of having to grab the Dark Magician again and play through Yugi's story a 3rd time could also be a category that I would call something like "All Available Monsters" vs. "All Monsters", like this category would be. IMO, the payoff is so bad as to make this essentially pointless.

This will take, at minimum, 5 total campaigns, finishing in Kaiba's campaign (because it's the least number of missions to do.

Yugi then Kaiba Campaign Math

21 -Total number of Yugi Campaign missions

+12 -Mission where the final monster is acquired (Lava Battleguard)

=33 -Total missions to complete Monster Dex

Kaiba then Yugi Campaign Math

20 -Total number of Kaiba Campaign missions

+17 -Mission where the second Black Luster Ritual is acquired (Secret Power)

=37 -Total missions to complete Monster Dex

---High level routing overview---

  • Make sure to fuse monsters when you are able to, and summon Egyptian Gods once able. Completing these adds a monster to completion.

  • Play Yugi story (lv. 1) as intended in a casual hundo playthrough making sure to purchase the following ritual items:

-- 1x Cocoon of Evolution in Badlands (Tower-Sirius) for monsters from Kaiba's campaign. This is just beside Summoned Skull's base, and you have to buy multiply here anyways, so it's not too far out of the way.

-- 2x Call of the Grave in Crucial Battle (Liberate Phostenn beside your base) for monsters from Kaiba's campaign

-- 1x Black Luster Ritual as mission reward for Secret Power (Use on Gaia AFTER fusing it first).

-- 2x Metalmorph in Break Free (Ce-Reizo). This is where you're sending Mai to get the Second Harpie Lady anyways, so it's not out-of-the-way

-- Soul of Obelisk gained as a result of this story

  • Play Kaiba Story (lv. 31) as intended in a casual hu ndo playthrough, gaining Slifer's Orb

-- Ritual Evolve Crawling Dragon, Zanki, Larvae Moth, Zoa as soon as acquired

-- Ritual Evolve Red-Eyes after completing its two fusions with Summoned Skull and Meteor Dragon.

-- Obelisk can be summoned on either Kaiba or Ishizu's teams at this point

  • Play Joey Story (lv. 61) as intended in a casual hundo playthrough, gaining Eye of Ra

  • Play Yugi Story again (lv. 91) in order to get:

-- King of Yamamakai and Reaper of Cards (do not evolve Dark Magician to Magician of Black Chaos prior to this point)

-- Gemini Elf (Lora)

-- 1x Black Luster Ritual as mission reward for Secret Power (Use on Dark Magician for MoBC)

-- This is also the point when Slifer/Ra can be summoned, as Joey story has no Masters of the Egyptian Gods.

  • Play Kaiba Story

-- Time stops when Lava Battleguard is collected.

---Earliest Possible Ritual Summons---

Black Luster Soldier - Yugi (Hollowed Land of Ishtar) as you still need to fuse with Curse of Dragon and that takes at minimum one mission cycle to happen.

Dragon Zombie - Kaiba (Hand of Fire) you can ritual Crawling Dragon immediately based on the rules. Crawling Dragon rejoins the team on the second Kaiba playthrough anyways (in the 90s, level-wise!!!).

Zombie Warrior - Kaiba (Lord of the Forest) you can ritual Zanki immediately after acquiring him

PUGM - Kaiba (Dragon Lair) you can ritual Larvae Moth immediately after acquiring him in Bandits Again

REBMD - Kaiba (Surprise Attack) as you still need to fuse Meteor B. Dragon together prior to ritually making Red-Eyes inaccessible until Yugi 2

Metalzoa - Kaiba (Hollowed Land of Ishtar) you can ritual Zoa immediately after acquiring him

Magician of Black Chaos - Yugi 2nd playthrough (Banishment), as this playthrough makes Black Luster Soldier first in order to get Yamakai/Reaper

---Earliest possible Fusion Summons---

Thousand Dragon - Yugi (Spellcaster) after Time Wizard is collected

B. Skull Dragon - Yugi (Phantom Blast) after Red-Eyes is collected

-NOTE: Do this BEFORE ritualing Red-Eyes

Gaia Dragon Champion - Yugi (Face-Off) after Gaia is collected

-NOTE: Do this fusion BEFORE ritualing Gaia

Chimera - Kaiba (Hand of Fire) after the wild encounter with Berfomet

Valkyrion - Kaiba (Framed) after Gamma is collected.

Blue Eyes Ultimate - Kaiba (Dragon Lair) after collecting the three Blue Eyes (duh).

Meteor B. Dragon - Kaiba (Dragon Lair) after Meteor Dragon is collected

-NOTE: Do this BEFORE ritualing Red-Eyes

Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon - Kaiba (Dragon Lair) after Thunder Dragon is collected.

Rabid Horseman - Joey (Outnumbered?) after Battle Ox is collected

Crimson Sunbird - Joey (Mai's team)

-Just have Mai fuse those two monsters on her team together, seeing as they're both already on the team.

Cosmo Queen - Joey (Tea's team) after Tea Joins and you acquire Mystical Elf.

Gate Guardian - Joey (Invincible Imperial Guard) after Kazejin is collected.

-This effectively means Gate Guardian can only be summoned in Stories 4 and 5 for routing purposes.

---Monster locations and what to pick up (adapted from the GameFAQs Guide, source listed above, some additions)---

Yugi Campaign ------

Mission 1: War Campaign

Silver Fang, Blackland Fire Dragon

In the forest between Makhad and Jakhud, acquired after defeating Etos

Items: None (can't buy)

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None

Yugi -> Etos, defeating Silver Fang along the way

Fizdiz -> Ruthum to distract other guard


Mission 2: Fury of the Empire

Mystic Horseman/Hane-Hane/Man-Eater Bug

Forest south of Croethe.

Items: Phothwo (12x Legendary Sword, Beast Fangs, and book of secret arts)

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None


Mission 3: Strategy

Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1

North of Dyethruo - go with Yugi

Items: None

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None


Mission 4: Battle for Tsughut

Defeat mission

Items: None

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None


Mission 5: Turbulent Waters

Octoberser, Enchanting Mermaid

Between Tsughut and Thor-Mount, east of Van-Lova

Send FizDiz and Tristan to Van-Lova for shopping, send FizDiz to

Yugi -> Octoberser -> Gigan-Syip to finish the mission

Items: 3x Electro-Whip, 12x Silver Bow and Arrow, 10x Beast Fangs

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None


Mission 6: Badlands

Summoned Skull, Illusory Gentleman/Neck Hunter/Beast of Gilfer, Dark Magician

Tower-Pegasi, Between Tower-Pegasi and Tower-Centauri, after beating mission

Items: Cocoon of Evolution and Multiply(Tower-Sirius), 10x Polymerization (Tower-Deneb)

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None

Yugi -> Air Shrine until you encounter Illusionary Gentleman* -> Tower-Centauri (Summoned Skull) -> Build HEALER -> Panik

Fizdiz -> Tower-Sirius (cocoon/Multiply) -> Panik

Tristan -> Tower-Deneb -> Base

Everyone else: Nothing


Mission 7: Crucial Battle

Gemini Elf (Lora)

REPLAY COLLECT - In Dyovann, must have other elf as leader

Items: 2x Call of the Grave (Liberate Phostenn)

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None


GIVE JOEY A FAST MON (Kuriboh?), Flame Swordsman is SLOW AF

Mission 8: Refugees

Baby Dragon

Edge of the mountains southwest of Beyzon where it begins to bend with Joey

Items: None

Fusions available: None

Rituals: None

Rescue Tea the traditional way

Send Joey to Baby Dragon and back ASAP

Build cannon at base while waiting


Mission 9: Break Free

Sanga of Thunder, Harpie Lady (Ocupete)

Mountains directly west of Ce-Reizo, Southwest of Ce-Reizo having other Harpie



Mission 10: Counter Attack

Dark Magician Girl

Comes at some time during the mission, wait until she comes at 12:00. There will be waiting, and therefore time for donations (GDQ reference)


Mission 11: Spellcaster

Time Wizard, Dark Elf

Liberate Reasercher Guild, Defeat Tea


Mission 12: Phantom Blast

Red-Eyes Black Dragon

Defeat Joey


Mission 13: For That Someone Special

Panther Warrior

Defeat Joey with Mai


Mission 14: Scorched

Fortress Whale/Suijin/Aqua Dragon

North of Tsughut along the coast

Send Mai to Strings, Yugi to the Whale team


Mission 15: Betrayal

No monster to collect

Mission 16: A Lost Cause

Dark Magician #2

Defeat Arkana

Mission 17: Secret Power

Machine King, Labyrinth Tank, Dragon Piper, Beta the Magnet Warrior, Millennium


Liberate Jenonnva, between Phyo-Rente and Charte-Goallua, betweem Phyo-Rente

and Myilluno, liberate Phyo-Rente, liberate Myilluno

Jenonnva: Get 2x Metalmorph

Mission 18: Face Off

Gaia the Fierce Knight

Center of the lake

LV 99s!

Mission 19: Banishment

Harpie Lady (Keraino)

Liberate Kaepe-Town

Items: 2x Raimei at Dhorminouth-Town

Mission 20: Hollowed Land of Ishtar

No monster to collect

Mission 21: Dream World

Alpha the Magnet Warrior

Liberate Memory-Bridge

Mission 22: Dark Spirit

Obelisk the Tormentor

Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a

marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability

Kaiba Campaign ------

Mission 1: Hand of Fire


South of Ru-Ma-Pann

Mission 2: Bandits

No monster to collect

Mission 3: Surrounded

No monster to collect

Mission 4: Framed

Gamma the Magnet Warrior

Northwest corner or mountains north of Beyzon

Mission 5: Lord of the Forest

No monster to collect

Mission 6: Lord of the Plains

Tiger Axe


Mission 7: Sever the Supply Line

Garoozis/Mountain Warrior

East of Norvey


Mission 8: Full-Scale Offensive

Giant Red Seasnake/Sea King Dragon/Spike Seadra

North of west coast of Thor-Mount

Mission 9: Crucial Battle

No monster to collect

Mission 10: Aid from Afar

No monster to collect

Mission 11: Going the Distance

No monster to collect

Mission 12: Raid

Lava Battleguard

Edge of the mountains south of Beyzon - you must have Swamp Battleguard as the

lead monster.

Mission 13: Bandits, Again

Insect Queen/Larvae Moth/Queen of the Autumn Leaves

From exactly between Buhr-Tos and Rottenhub, go south

Mission 14: Dragon Lair

Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Azrael/Djibril/Ibris)/Lord of D., Buster Blader/Cyber

Commander, Thunder Dragon, Meteor Dragon, Seiyaryu, Judge Man/Kaiser Dragon

Liberate Burrow, between Dragon-Gate and Den, liberate the following: Nest,

Den, Hall, and Lair

Mission 15: Guidance

No monster to collect

Mission 16: Surprise Attack

No monster to collect

Mission 17: Face-Off

No monster to collect

Mission 18: Banishment

Zoa/Kryuel/Castle of Dark Illusions

Forest south of Pleasure Town

Mission 19: Hollowed Land of Ishtar

No monster to collect

Mission 20: Dream World

No monster to collect

Mission 21: Dark Spirit

Slifer the Sky Dragon

Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a

marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability

Joey Campaign ------

Mission 1: Raid

Serpent Knight Dragon/Invitation to a Dark Sleep/Swordstalker

Directly west of Twin Rivers far in the mountains

Mission 2: Outnumbered?

Swamp Battleguard/Battle Ox/Dragon Seeker

Directly north of Ru-Ma-Pann

Mission 3: Quick Attack

Sengenjin/Flame Cerebrus

Edge of the mountains southwest of Beyzon where it begins to bend

Mission 4: Pursuit

No monster to collect

Mission 5: Minion of Darkness

Gemini Elf (Kachua)

Liberate Tower-Deneb

Mission 6: Thrashed

No monster to collect

Mission 7: Reversal

No monster to collect

Mission 8: Master Plan

Mystical Beast Serket

Defeat Odion

Mission 9: Impostor

The Winged Dragon of Ra

Summon him from the item acquired by defeating DarkNite and Nite/Mare with a

marshal with the Master of the Egyptian Gods ability

Mission 10: Invincible Imperial Guard

Kazejin/Skull Knight/Pumpking King of Ghosts

North of Ru-Ma-Pann

Second Yugi Playthrough ------

Mission 6: Badlands

King of Yamakai/Reaper of the Cards

after beating mission with Dark Magician already unlocked.

Mission 7: Crucial Battle

Gemini Elf (Lora)

In Dyovann, must have Gemini Elf (Kachua) from Joey Story as leader

Second Kaiba Playthrough ------

Mission 12: Raid

Lava Battleguard

Edge of the mountains south of Beyzon - you must have Swamp Battleguard as the

lead monster of that party.

---Fusion Combinations---

Summoned Skull + Red Eyes Black Dragon = Black Skull Dragon

Blue Eyes White Dragons --- Azrael + Ibris + Djibril = Blue Eyes Ultimate


Gazelle the King of the Mythical Beasts + Berfomet = Chimera the Flying

Mythical Beast

Mystical Elf + Dark Elf = Cosmo Queen

Wing Eagle + Mavelus = Crimson Sunbird

Gaia the Fierce Knight + Curse of Dragon = Gaia the Dragon Champion

Sanga of Thunder + Suijin + Kazejin = Gate Guardian

Meteor Dragon + Red Eyes Black Dragon = Meteor Black Dragon

Mystic Horseman + Battle Ox = Rabid Horseman

Baby Dragon + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon

Two-Headed King Rex + Thunder Dragon = Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon

Magnet Warriors --- Alpha + Beta + Gamma = Valkyrion the Magna Warrior