New auto splitter
5 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Hello all!

I've made some changes to the auto splitter:

  • Stop splitting when the player dies to a boss
  • Change timing to Robot split to as soon as its health is depleted
  • Pause the timer while in the main menu
  • Add option for 100% runs (which do not reset when entering the Level 1)
  • Adjust timing of the final split

Here's the script's repository:

Since there isn't any run in the leaderboard that split when collecting the yellow orbs, and since I had to pretty much rewrite the entire script, I ended up removing those options... If anyone do actually use them, let me know and I'll re-add it to the script.

Other than the improvements, the most significant change to the script was the change to the Robot split... Shortening it to right after the boss dies was the cleaner way to split it consistently...

If everybody is fine with this, I could request to add the auto splitter to Live Split, so it may be automatically downloaded by the software.

rythin tycker om detta
European Union

Hey, we've talked a fair bit in discord already but l figured l should put this on the forum aswell.

You autosplitter appears to work perfectly and is considerably less jank than my version (lol), l'm totally down to add it to livesplit. Though a couple notes now that you're satisfied with it enough to release it publicly:

-robot bossfight - if possible, keeping the old split timing would be great for us older runners. Changing splits around is a hassle and basically nullifies a bunch of old golds. This could simply be a setting to split either on boss kill or load screen? (This should be fairly simple unless your code is more complicated than l initially thought?)

-river split - a few runners split when leaving the river stage (last map of the factory stage) and entering reimu's. A setting to enable this would be nice.

-orb split - though there is no recording of it, l use this option and like it quite a bit. l'm sure you could just copy-paste it from my code and it'd work fine :p

But yeah, once these "issues" are sorted out, having your autosplitter would be great ^^

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

OK, fixed these issues!

For the robot, I changed it to detect when the boss died and then split at the next loading screen. However, I didn't make this a setting (as only my runs had been done with the weird timing).

And sorry about the orb split... I should have imagined that someone would use it, since it were there. 😬

Would you like to test it before hand (specifically, the orb splits)? I tested the orb options in Hakurei shrine and in the first level, and everything seemed to work fine...

European Union

hah, no problem. I'll test it and let you know if it works ^^

European Union

okay just tested the autosplitter and it appears to work perfectly! great job and thank you! ^^

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

I made a requested, and it was added to live split!

Now, the script may be downloaded, activated and configured directly from the splits window (instead of having to add a controller to the layout).

rythin tycker om detta

2 questions:

• Pause the timer while in the main menu Why? • Adjust timing of the final split Adjust how?

European Union

final split timing just means it autosplits at the end, which the previous autosplitter didn't do

pausing on menu is a bit weird but it doesn't really matter honestly


For 100% runs I’m pretty sure the timer should be running in the main menu.

European Union

Technically yes but who's doing 100% runs :v)

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

I don't have any really strong argument for removing time spent on the main menu. As far as I could tell, only Sotena has run that category, so I'd be willing to retime it and report the new time, without the time spent on the main menu, if we were to keep the auto-splitter as is...

My main reasoning for removing it is that there's nothing happening in the main menu, from a gameplay perspective. One could argue that menuing is part of games, but I can't really agree with that for an action game...

Also, I think time spent on the main menu is kinda similar to time spent on the loading screen. It feels weird to me that we remove time spent on the loading screen (which make sense, since it varies depending on the player's computer) but not time spent on the main menu (which I don't whether entering/exiting it varies)...

I tried to look for similar games to see how others do it, but the closest I could find were Celeste, which uses per-stage IGT, and A Hat Time, which does consider time spent on the hub world, but the hub world also plays just like the rest of the game... So yeah, that wasn't of much help...

Anyway, I could change it keep the timer running on the main menu. Whichever is better for everyone! :)

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Also, about the final split...

I just got a 15:06.79, which made me wonder how precise my auto splitter actually is... I advanced that video frame-by-frame, and I believe it's possible to see a "small pink blob" 1 frame after the timer stops. If not that, it's plainly visible 3 frames after the timer stopped.

Here's a 1-FPS GIF showing the timer stopping and the explosion starting: (hopefully not auto-embedded, as it's close to 1 MB...). I also rendered these frames into a MP4, since that has better quality than GIF:

Would you all rather I try to adjust it further or is this good enough?

European Union

The end split timing was never super precise and to my knowledge we never retimed runs to the frame. I say this is good enough and will serve as the new standard for timing runs.


The end split seems fine enough.

There’s absolutely no reason to remove menuing time from 100% runs though, so I’d like you to fix your autosplitter to be in line with Sotena’s runs.

He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

Alright, I've changed it back to keep the timer running on the main menu!

rythin tycker om detta
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