Any% in 1h 49m 52s by

I thought I was finally going to have a run I was happy to leave on...but then chapter 12 happened. Just horrid play by me. Barely even happy that it was sub 1:50 :/

Bad first Majima also. And never seen Jingu goons back so far away, was it because I approached in rush? Also, dunno why Nishiki got up right away at the end?

Might push for one more PB, not sure.

In case I don't do another run, I'll mention some small things I do. Not saying they're all good, but thought I'd share just in case.

Heat Actions (to guarantee point for 10 different to get upgrade ASAP) -Tutorial Guy: Do Front and Back grab wall actions -Yuya: Throw towards Stardust. Gives a different action than the normal ground action (same time because of fade, though) -Leech gloves guy (if not at 10): charge throw towards bin, grab that, and heat while on ground. Fairly quick

Consolidating menus/unequipping: -Equip shotgun after stabbing Lau to unequip knife without stance change animation -Rooftops (pre-Arase): After shooting group of 4, equip shotgun over pistol -Shangri-La, after shooting second sofa guy, equip knife over pistol -After stabbing Majima, equip shotgun over knife -Shimano2, if already in beast, equip knife over shotgun (otherwise you need to style switch anyway, so moot) -Tower MIA fight, after shooting 4 with inventory pistol, equip shotgun over pistol -Don't equip knife pre-Jingu (unless you need to heal anyway). Wait until after the first swing since you want to pause for a heat item anyway

Other: -After Tower cutscene, go in left door? Dunno if faster, path seems straighter, plus elevator is on left -Use beast pickup on Lau/Nishiki to get up faster. Don't on Majima -Just thought of: First 'boss' MIA guy in tower, switch to rush BEFORE heat action. Want rush after anyway, and stomp is faster -Jingu phase 1, after taking out goons, try to use spicy knife down to 1. Might be able to get more damage, and it'll break on Nishiki so no need to put away

Any Difficulty
Console or PC
Load Removed Time
1h 49m 52s
Real Time Attack
1h 55m 52s
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago