NG+/Easy Guide
NG+/Easy Guide
Uppdaterad 6 years ago av KeyC13

Hello, This guide is gonna show the route and strats i used to get my PB. I will update this guide as soon as I find faster strats and/or made more research. I recommend to you beeing at max. level and have alot of money, because you gonna have to prepare some items in either NG or Premium Adventure Mode.

Items needed: 1x Paper Plate (10 @ Don Quijote) 1x Suntory Mineral Water (S. Alps) (130 @ Convenience Stores) 1x Dog Food (750 @ Poppo Nakamichi) 7x AppStimRx (150 @ Kotobuki Drugs) 8x Staminan Royal (12'000 @ Kotobuki Drugs) 9x Repair Kit (500'000 @ Ebisu Pawn) 100'000 Yen for Gambling Hall 300'000 Yen for Shangri-La Member Card

Equipment needed: Elder's Belly Warmer (200'000 @ Ebisu Pawn) Beads of Good Fortune (CP Reward) Dojima Family Amulet (Complete Climax Battles: Mad Dog Battles) MJM56-55 Exorcist (1'555'500 @ Beam)

Total money needed: 6'653'440

This is the bare minimum I use in my run. I bought some extra 21 AppStimRX and alot more Staminan Royal just in case Majima shows up multiple times.

You wanna start NG+ with the paper plate, the water, the dog food, 7x AppStimRx, 8x Repair Kit and 2x Staminan Royal.


This is not gonna be a step by step tutorial on how to beat the game. I expect you have basic knowledge of Kamurocho, the story and where the important locations are. I will tell you where and when you can skip cutscenes. If there is a cutscene not mentioned you can't skip it. (Sx# = Skip cutscenes x times)

Chapter 1: Sx3 > Go to Peace Finance (no need to wait for Shinji) Sx2 > Hirata + 4 ( you can only use Dragon style here and you will have no equipment until chapter 2. just kill them using rush combos without finishers) Sx1 > Go to Serena Sx1 > Hyana (rush combo) Sx1 > Go upstairs Sx3 > Go Le marche > Robber (rush combo) > Go Ebisu Sx2 > Go to the Office Sx2 > Go to the Dojima office, Hirata + Brute ( grab the Brute to use a Heat move and rush combo Hirata) Sx6 > 4 Inmates (try to fill Heat on them) > Inmate 1356 (heat move) Sx1 > skip save Sx2

Chapter 2: (from here you can use your equipment) Sx6 > Go towards Theater > Majima (use 7 AppStimRx and let him beat you) > Abe (grab and Heat move) > talk to Aoki > Go to Stardust ( don't run into the girl at the corner of Theater Square and the Pachinko parlor(Substory)) Sx1 > Yuta (grab and Heat move next to car) Sx1 > go upstairs Sx1 > Talk to Takahashi > Takahashi + 6 (use the shotgun for the ads and use heat move on Takahashi) Sx2 > Talk to Shinji > skip save Sx1

Chapter 3: Sx2 > Do the stealth section Sx2 > Omi Alliance Guy ( grab and heat move) > go to the room and look at all 5 pictures Sx1 > 4 guys (shotgun) Sx1 > 19 guys (shotgun) > 1 guy (heat move) > 3 guys > 8 guys > 3 guys > 5 + Majima > 6 guys (shotgun) Sx1 > Shimano (Heat move) Sx1 > skip save Sx1

Chapter 4: Sx5 > Go to Serena Sx2 > Go to Bacchus Sx1 > go south Sx1 > Kimura + 9 (shotgun) Sx2 > Feed the Puppy Sx1 > Go Serena ( you can skip 2 of the 3 scripted fights by walking over the Millenium Tower plaza and then down Nakamichi str.) 3 guys (shotgun) First cutscene not skippable > Sx2 > get the rest from your Item box > talk to Haruka > Go to Ares (make sure to go infront of the tower, after the talk to the police, to trigger a cutscene) Sx1 > go inside and to the elevator Sx1 > look at the picture of Yumi Sx1 > Hiroshi + 6 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > skip save Sx2

Chapter 5: Sx1 > Talk to Date > Go to Purgatory(taxi) Sx2 > go downstairs Sx1 > go to Kage Sx2 > remove equipment and talk to Kage twice Sx1 > Feldman (heat move) Sx1 > Pramuk (use 2 Staminan and use heat move) Sx1 > Gary (heat move) Sx1 > talk to Kage Sx2 > equip your gear and go outside Sx1 > 8 guys (shotgun) Sx1 > Go to Batting Cage (taxi) Sx1 > move 2 steps Sx1 > Majima + 7 (shotgun an 2heat moves) ( Majima gonna stay at 1 hp after the first move and switches to another style) Sx4 > skip save Sx2

Chapter 6: Sx1 > Go Purgatory (taxi) > do the Komaki Substory Sx1 > Go Batting Cage (taxi) Sx1 > Takashi ( switch to Dragon style and use Heat move) Sx1 > B-King + 4 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > Go Debolah (don't walk onto the street (Substory)) Sx1 > Asai + 6 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > Go Purgatory (taxi) > Go Serena (taxi) Sx1 > Go to Park 3 (avoid the drunken guy at the corner (Substory)) Sx2 > Go to Shellac (taxi) > Do the Toll collector Substory > Go Stardust (taxi) Sx3 > Tokuda + 4 (shotgun and heat move) Sx2 > go outside Sx1 > Go to Hatanaga building (taxi) Sx1 > Shota + 3 (shotgun and heat move) Sx3 > skip save Sx1

Chapter 7: Sx1 > Go to Utabori (taxi) Sx2 > Go to Serena (taxi) Sx1 > Got Theatre square > Go to Arcade > Go to Parking lot > check West park > check Children park (taxi)(don't go to close to the Pocket Circuit(Substory)) > Go to Park 3 Sx3 > Mysterious guy + 7 (shotgun and heat action) Sx5 > take 1 repair kit and 6+ Staminan from the item box > Go to the Lottery Shop Sx1 > talk to the guy Sx1 > play Sx2 > play Sx1 > Tetsu&Iwazaki + 6 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > Go Purgatory Sx1 > Go Serena (taxi) Sx6 > 6 guys (shotgun) Sx1 > Koji + 11 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 skip save Sx3

Chapter 8: Go to Purgatory (taxi) Sx5 > Go to Children park > Aota + 2 (shotgun and heat move) > Go Champion district (taxi) Sx1 > Yuji +6 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > Go to Debolah (taxi) > Kubo (shotgun) Sx2 > go downstairs Sx1 Akai bros. +6 (shotgun and 2 heat moves) Sx4 > go to Purgatory (taxi) Sx1 > skip save

Chapter 9: Sx3 > Huang +17 (shotgun and heat move) > 10 guys (shotgun) Sx1 > Lau (needs further testing since i have no idea how his weapon switch works) (2 heat moves) Sx5 > Highway shooting (since this is easy difficulty just try to shoot the bosses and tank the damage from ads) skip save Sx1

Chapter 10: Sx4 > read the letter Sx1 > follow the blood (try to not trigger text boxes by walking too close to certain blood pools (2 substories to avoid here) Kill the first 9 guys and run to the stairs > run past the first mission point on the map and kill only the guy that blocks the stairs > kill the next 14 and run to the stairs > kill the next 5 guys and run to the stairs > shoot your way across the roof tops( i used their pistols on this part) an kill Ochi with 1 heat move) Sx1 > Arase + 6 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > skip save

Chapter 11: Sx2 > go to Shine first cutscene is not skippable > Sx1 > go to Jewel( avoid Pinkstreet north in this chapter (Substory) first cutscene is not skippable > Sx1 > go back inside Sx1 > go to Park 3 (taxi) Sx1 > Zhou + 4 (shotgun an heat move) > go to Jewel > go to Shine > go to MEB > Go to Taxi > Shikawa + 10 (shotgun and heat move) > go to Purgatory > Go to Shangri-La Sx1 > go inside Sx1 > go upstairs Sx2 > just run trough and kill the 2 big guys Sx1 > Majima (Heat move >Kiwami >Heat move) Sx1 > talk to Date > skip save

Chapter 12: Sx1 > go Sx1 > go Sx8 > go Sx1 > Takeda + 14(shotgun) Sx2 > Shimano + 14 (shotgun and heatmove) Sx3 > skip save

Finale: Go Stardust > Talk to Kazuki Sx1 > 7>5>5 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > 9 guys (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > Go Ares Sx1 > shoot your way through and use heat moves against the Sergants) Sx6 > Murase + 5 (shotgun and heat move) Sx1 > shoot your way through > Jingu + 2 (use 2 heat moves on the ads, take 2 staminan and repeat. for Jing use 2 Staminan 1 heat move and some hits) Sx2 > Nishiki (2 staminan > 1 Tiger drop (with Beast dmg boost) >2 Kiwami moves)

Senaste nyheterna
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