Upgrade WarioWare: Get It Together?
2 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

Hello everyone! Last I thinked about some new categories for WarioWare: Get It Together! One of these is "All Microgames" and there you have to beat all of microgames in Play-o-pedia as fast as you can. Second category which I thinked is adding all of stages to the level leaderboard. Eg. like in Mario level leaderboard there are all of the levels. The last thing which I thinked is adding a time without loads, because some of peaople are on physical and others on digital and on physical load time i longer. If no, it can be added a subcategories for digital and physical.

Thank You for your time. Amuntendo

PinkyNoice tycker om detta
Västernorrland, Sweden

Manually removing loading times on console runs is a very rough and time consuming task. I know some games which does this, but that is normally because the game is also on PC and does not have autosplitter already and the community REALLY wants to avoid having an arms race to have the best computer. I do not think I have ever seen a Switch exclusive game remove load times just because physical loads slower though. Not even for runs where this has a FAR bigger impact and a far bigger community such as Breath of the Wild where you lose minutes to loading times.

Due to the fact that the people who will feel the greatest consequence of this decision will most certainly be the mod team I think this is a question for the mod team.

I do not think subcategories is a good solution here as I do not think the time loss by physical is large enough to completely alienate physical runs from the main leaderboards. I do, however, think adding a variable for physical in the same way as there is a variable for which region your console is set at is a great solution here as that allows people to see if a run was performed on physical or digital, and this is how many communities solves this on other Switch leaderboards (MK8DX is one example where this happens).

On the topic of the new categories, on paper I do like the idea, but I am not sure if there is merit to those categories as we already have all boss fights. My reasoning here is that most time losses and time saves in WarioWare: Get it Together is found within the boss courses. What we would be doing here is to try to get a run where we get all first exits (which is really easy if we get to pick character, and is 90% an RNG fest if we don't), which might sound like a good idea on paper, but leads to that most of the run will be an autoscroller and about who is the best at menuing.

I am personally not a huge fan of runs where the lion's share of time save and time losses happens due to menuing. I am personally not opposed to more categories, but I am not certain what this category would add as so much of the time save and time loss would exclusively be due to menuing.

My stance on this would be different if there was other gameplay elements in the other categories than the microgames, but there are already microgame only categories. The big advantage of this category though that I can't deny is that it would remove almost all RNG, but I am still not convinced.

All stages, on the other hand, I do fully approv if what I assume it correct, which is all microgames stage 1-3. That category adds elements that no other category (except all missions) currently has. I am fully on board for that being a category despite sharing many of the issues with the previous category due to this.

AmunSR tycker om detta
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