All Runs Any% Guide (As of the run by GriffinRupe)
All Runs Any% Guide (As of the run by GriffinRupe)
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av Sierra

As you start, turn to the right and go on Lift 4. Once you get to the top, turn right and ski over towards Falcon Wing. Go just far enough into the run to get the icon to appear, and go back out the entrance (This is referred to as Tapping) . As you exit the run, go and tap Buffalo Rush. Head back over towards Alligator Back and tap it. Leave the run and go in the gate for Octopus Line. As you head down this run, tap Snow Panther, then keep going down Octopus Lane. Once you get to the split off, tap Gazelle Step and then head into Kangaroo Park. When you get to the bottom of Kangaroo Park, keep skiing and go down Raccoon Road. Once you get to the bottom of the mountain, ski to the bottom of Penguin Slide and tap it. (Tip: the run ends right as you go past the lift pole on the right, so you can just go around it) After you tap Penguin Slide, tap the bottom of Hedgehog Woods, turn around, and go into Lift 9. (Tip: there is a small area around the back of the lift where you can get on it without having to go around to the front) When you get to the top, tap Winding Viper, and then tap Grizzly Peak. When the icon for Grizzly Peak appears, go to the options menu and go to the main menu. Once you are on the menu, go to Ride the Mountain, and continue. As the menu to chose your course appears, choose the Lizard (Basilisk's Wasteland). Turn right and tap Kraken's Lair. After that turn left(ish) and go until the icon for Basilisk's Wasteland pops up. The turn right and go slightly up the mountain until you can go down the slope where the grind rails are. Keep going and the icons for Griffon's Nest and Unicorn's Ravine appear back to back. Stay to the left and go by the somewhat narrow area. Once you get closer to the bottom of the mountain, go right and tap Gnome's Hideaway. After that, go to the bottom of the mountain and get on the leftmost lift. (It takes you to the top of the mountain) At the top, turn around and go to the other side of the top through a narrow archway. Go down the mountain and the icon for Dragon's Den will appear. As you go further down, make sure not to gain too much speed because you will need to cut right and tap Serpent's Den. Then keep going down the mountain. Go left enough to have the Giant's Realm icon appear and keep going until you can go into the chasm where the Yeti's Domain icon will appear. The timer stops when the icon appears.

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