Infinite jumps
6 years ago

Hey, I was casually glitching this game and found a way to jump infinitely high. I did a quick search on Youtube, but didn't see any videos of something like this. Could this be a whole new discovery?

Here's an example of skipping most of Battle of Odawara Castle using infinite jump:

From what I tested around a little bit in Chapter 1, you can also do skips in Battle of Yiling and Battle of Tetorigawa.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Manly_McBeefington tycker om detta
Texas, USA

Wow. That's insane. I'm sure there are several places in the game you could do that to crush speedrun times. Maybe it works on the orb-gate at Koshi Castle?


I've done some routing on the early chapters of the game. Skips are available for the majority of the missions. Here's some notes on Chapter 1 missions:

  • Battle of Yiling. Can skip everything if you go straight to Kiyomori Taira. However, you're under a very strict time limit in which to do this or ally characters die, plus it's very early in the game, hence it's not practical for RTA. Perhaps with a buffed up team during Battle of Yiling - Redux in ILs or 100% runs.

  • Battle of Dongkou. You can't skip everything by just going straight to Jia Xu and beating him up... he's actually invulnerable at the start of the level. Instead, what you want to do is to infinite jump over the river and then go beat up one of Jia Xu's officers to the east. This triggers the event that causes Jia Xu to leave for the other side, which in turn starts the level finale with Da Ji. All of this is super impractical to do in a RTA, though, since you don't have good IJ characters this early in the game, so it's only something for IL runs.

  • Battle of Shouchun. You can end the level early by doing an infinite jump around the inner keep of the fortress to activate the trap and then beating up the new Shuten Doji that spawns to the north half of the map. This is a very trivial thing to do if you have Yukimura Sanada. The level only lasts under 2 minutes.

  • Battle of Nagashino. Level ends early if you IJ to Masamune Date and beat him up. Pretty simple to do, and even possible in a RTA. Takes around 2-3 minutes.

  • Battle of Odawara Castle. Like the video above shows, most of the level can be skipped by going straight to Kiyomori Taira. There's a time limit of around 3-4 minutes in which to do this before Kai dies, but it's not a big problem if you don't mess up the jumps. Estimated completion: 2-3 minutes.

  • Battle of Nanjun. Level can be ended early by going straight to Sun Wukong. Estimated completion: 2-3 minutes.

  • Battle of Tetorigawa. You can do a skip by jumping inside the south garrison early and defeating officers there. This spawns Diamondback on the shore, defeating whom ends the level. Estimated completion: 3-5 minutes.

  • Battle of Mt. Niutou. Level can be ended early by going straight to Sun Wukong. Estimated completion: 1-2 minutes.

  • Rescue at Taoshui. Level can be ended early by just defeating Lianshi. However, you're under a strict time limit under which to do this before allies get killed, so it's best to go in prepared. Estimated completion: 1-2 minutes.

  • Invasion of Shouchun. The scripting in this level is a bit strange, but I got the impression that defeating Cao Ren, Cao Wenji and Xiahou Ba causes the level to end. Infinite jump comes in handy in doing this quickly. Estimated completion: 2-4 minutes.

  • Counterattack at Nagashino. Same skip works as in the main Nagashino level. Estimated completion: 1-2 minutes.

  • Rescue at Dongkou, Retreat from Mt. Niutou, Struggle for Ueda Castle, Breakthrough at Yiling, Breakthrough at Mikatagahara, Breakthrough at Chibi: no major skips that I could find.

I was thinking about doing videos about all of the possible skips a bit later on.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Manly_McBeefington tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I wonder if Xu Shu and Yukimura are the characters that jump the highest?


There are around dozen characters who are good candidates for infinite jumping.

  • Ayane. Her air special gives height and is fairly fast, so she is a pretty good infinite jump partner overall.
  • Hanzo Hattori. Once you get him in Chapter 3, he becomes a permanent part of the infinite jumping team. He is the best character for pure height gain that I noticed so far.
  • Oichi. Her air special is useful for pure height gain. Around Ayane levels of usefulness.
  • Wang Yuanji. Her air special gives great height - if your timing is perfect - but it's a bit wonky to use as it moves you backwards more than is preferable. Still a pretty good IJ character, and it helps her case that you get her very early in the game.
  • Xingcai. Like a female Yukimura Sanada as far as IJ is concerned. Putting both Xingcai and Yukimura together allows doing very speedy extended IJ.
  • Xu Shu. His air special gives good height and he has Thrift, which helps making longer jumps. But the animation of his attack lasts terribly long, so overall I don't really like using him.
  • Yukimura Sanada. His air special gives both height and has good horizontal movement, so if you have to do an extended IJ somewhere he is a very good pick. One of my favorite IJ characters, and you also get him early in the game.

Honorable mentions: Daqiao, Jia Xu, Kai and Kanetsugu Naoe also work in a pinch, but don't seem to be super effective for gaining height. There are also some Speed-type characters I haven't played much with, like Sun Quan, Wang Yi and Yuan Shao. They might turn out very good IJ characters too, in which case I'll update this list.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
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