This is a forum to show how many WR each person has. This forum will be updated every 3 Months.
Microsoft Access File (Where all the records are stored)
Buddy, its mean from the last update to now, you got one more WR and, i think you got a upper ranking
Shothead why is there -4 next to your name? Did your WR runs become obsolete, what makes a run obsolete?
Nick, a obsolet run is when you beat your own record in any category. It's like a "archive".
@GC_Goobz you have 18 Records. Fire Marksman doesn't count and you have 2 7x7's Ill remove one of them now
Hello everyone,
Over the past couple days, the mods have been discussing the current state of the leaderboards, mainly classic mode and arcade mode.
For a while, we have had a grandfather clause when it comes to runs with photo proof runs on the site. However, recently we have came to questio