Verktyg: Autosplitter
Uppdaterad 1 month ago av Vocatis

We Were Here Too - Autosplitter

LiveSplit autosplitter you can use for a run submission on


  • Both lord and peasant POV.
  • Playing from start or any another level (settings in autosplitter options, see Limitations).
  • Auto starting as player appears after opening video (skippable).
  • Auto resetting when returning to menu with a running timer.
  • Auto splitting on puzzle solving and upon game completion (See Limitations).


  • The auto start will be early when not starting from the game beginning.
  • With default method the end split will be triggered if someone dies during the last puzzle. (So your timer will stop before the actual end.)
    • However, it will continue as if it was never stopped when you restart from the game over screen. (This may invalidate your submission.)
    • Another death-proof method is available in autosplitter options "Safe mode", though it will stop later. (It waits for the ending video.)


  • The autosplitter is intended for "Any% Glitchless - Current Version".
    • It might also work for other categories, but it hasn't been tested.
  • Works with these splits files.
  • Works with these layouts.
