With help of our most active leaderboard moderator as of now, @Jeranu49, we've learned that the way we calculated the Full Game times was, in a way, incorrect. That is due to most runners neglecting the framerate of the game when calculating the final time. All in all, this could potentially mean a few seconds of inaccuracy, which in a game as precise as Vector, could be very significant. This is why a framerate inclusive timing method has been developed by Jeranu. You can watch the full breakdown of it down below: Starting from today, all Full Game runs will be required to be timed using this timing method. We hope you find this change useful and hopefully not too overwhelming. Best of luck in your speedruns and keep on Vectoring!
Hello there, and happy new year!
There has been some slowdown in speedrun verifications, and that is why I've decided today that we are opening verifier applications. If you think you know enough about Vector and its speedruns and have what it takes to regularly check runs and verify their le