Greetings. I just watched both of the Any% runs on here, and I noticed they’re both using some weird strat on 4-3 that involves bombing Raz with Riley a few times, and this somehow magically completes the mission….
What the heck is going on??
I read the comment on the second run, and it mentioned good RNG, so I’m guessing something with a random outcome is happening. The first run had to reload several times for the mission to complete using this method.
I ask again….What the heck is going on??
Thank you.
From what i can remember from my limited knowledge what happens there, the mission ends because its end goal was reached.
The missions goal is to save Raz by getting an allied character to the area behind him. So the idea is to use Riley to make Raz man up and save himself with some explosive encouragement. So you use Riley to shoot Raz few times so that he ragdolls and/or stands up in the end zone and finishes the mission. The RNG in this come from where Riley's shots land, wacky ragdoll physics and where Raz decides to stand up.
Somebody else probably knows better but i do hope this helped you to understand this atleast a bit more.
So THAT’S what’s happening! Thank you for the explanation. I wonder how anyone discovered this…🤣
Raz counts as an allied character. Unlike, say, Interlude 1, where every unit is a "fake" copy with preset stats and equipment, this is your actual Raz with scripting on top to make him unselectable. Raz starts inside the zone that we need to reach, so we have to get him out and then back in. Thus the first shot is to get him out of the area, and the other to make him cross back in. It is theoretically possible to do it in one shot, that requires Riley hitting Raz just right so that his ragdoll ends up between trooper and sandbags in an illegal spot that teleports Raz back into the area when looking for a respawn position, but that's nigh impossible to achieve on purpose.