Washington, USAtelfus27 days ago

Love that you're trying though. I also tried my hand at some Sunny Beach analysis but it ended up being kind of pointless in the end. I thought that maybe I could analyze runs by writing a script that: (1) broke the video into individual frames, (2) used OCR to read the elapsed time and speed shown in the frame, and (3) use that information to reconstruct a model of the course and which segments had the highest potential time saves. I actually wrote working code for (1) and (2). Then I realized that I had multiple things preventing me from actually analyzing the run. For example, the last two digits in the on-screen time are repeated in a predictable cycle that doesn't correlate with real time. This is probably a short cut to save memory space but it means that you probably aren't getting accurate enough data from analyzing the frames. So I abandoned that project and started looking into how decompiling a 64 game works (oof)... but trying was fun and I did learn some things about the game by trying. Long story short: do your thing! I'm curious to see your conclusion.

Brett_T_Kruskie tycker om detta
Washington, USAtelfus27 days ago

Just for kicks, I figured I'd try out calm water. First attempt was a 1'01"860 in case it helps with your analysis. Just my two cents but I could see a lower 1'01" (maybe even sub 1'01"5... but I doubt a 59" 3 lap is in the cards (though I'd be tickled to see it).

That said, I don't think calm water really tells us anything about what might be possible with default water (which is what the vast majority discuss and compete on). I think we'd need the game to be decompiled to make any significant headway on that.

Brett_T_Kruskie tycker om detta
speedrun: Wave Race 64
Washington, USAtelfus1 year ago

edited time from 1'06"620 to 1'05"620

meauxdal tycker om detta
Washington, USAtelfus1 year ago

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