This is not a good idea for one simple reason, for most runs there's optimal difficulty setting and there would be no point in making additional boards. NoMo and overwhelming majority of Any% are ran on harmless for stamina and health (for self inflicted damaging boosts), P% is ran on Violent because enemies move, attack and group up faster. No speedrunner runs harmless because they lack the ability to run on higher difficulties, it's just optimal.
That being said, there could totally be room for a new category when UKMD comes out, for P%. But making one just for brutal doesn't make much sense, even less so differentiating between lower ones.
Hi everyone!
So, yea, this is nowhere close to the limit of what you can do with jump being bound in game to jump. It's also not a macro, so I was wondering whether it's allowed or not for any% runs. And with a mouse that allows a frictionless spin you can flat out break the game.
I feel like any% unrestricted is such a staple of speedrunning that it can't be just not included. I guess we gonna have to wait and see once people get into the game more, but not including this would be a mistake IMO
The gap between "any%, 10% damage taken, 200% damage dealt, artifacts on, drizzle" and "no artifacts, 100/100, monsoon" is really wide, would love to see a category somewhere inbetween if I'm being honest.
Forgot to add, both are used with the Input Overlay plugin in mind.
There is two, the one I made which is VCR and the one BlaixenU made which is based on the same layout but is thicker and works better in lower sizes IMO.
Repacked both versions in the same place because this gets asked quite a bit on the discord:
guide from Collin for getting old patches:
in browser enter steam://open/console
find the manifest number from here for the patch you need
in steam console enter download_depot 1229490 1229491 manifestnumber
when you choose a level, you will find this at the top of the leaderboard:
for full game runs, the categories are split in a similar way.