Argentinastarg097 years ago

Marcus, 11char was changed though (using rebirth's 11 instead of replacing lost with lilith). Seems okay to replace the two most basic characters (Isaac loses his main quality, starting with d6, and Maggie... is Maggie, even with a speed up) with arguably way more interesting ones.

Argentinastarg097 years ago

Well, chest drops on all 4 of them, so it would always be applicable :P

Sounds ok to me :)

Argentinastarg097 years ago

While I haven't played on modded keeper yet, I've seen some people run it. At least to me, it seems ok in the way it currently is, although fixing that gullet's bug would probably be a reasonable buff (more like a fix tho). However, adding yet another quarter seems a bit too much. Mainly because if you're lucky, as dea1h mentioned earlier, you could get up to two mapping items (or more, if you get one + a diplopia on first floor).

So, to summarize: Yes to keeper on R+9, yes to fixing the gullet, no to the extra quarter :)

¤¤QUICK EDIT:¤¤ As part of the gullet fixing, maybe make it so devil deals take the 25/50 coins if available first, then the actual hearts? Also, not sure if the gullet effect remains after dying with something like dead cat :/

Argentinastarg097 years ago

I like lobster's suggestion. Having both a Jud9s and a Jud9s+ category would be nice!

Argentinastarg097 years ago

Well, I like the way Zam suggested on the master bug list. If implemented, would help a lot.

Otherwise, I think it should be allowed (as long as the reset itself takes as much as with any other character, and not faster than that). But maybe a check should be marked, kind of what was done on AB with Coop Babies (Which I think would make way more sense in this case: if it's not implemented on vanilla, you'd need to take the work to install a mod/configure CE in order to be able to reset like this, which not everyone will do; having the distintion would probably be nice like that)

Argentinastarg097 years ago

Agree with krak: I'm okay with +.5 to BB and Az, against Coop baby or reducing judas health.

Argentinastarg097 years ago

I myself agree on bannning S&Q only on that particular case: Lost (or any character on one-hit and with holy mantle) having their mantle gone.

As a quick thought, maybe the same could be applied to people with the Scapular being on half heart + soul/black heart? Not sure if the effect actually resets on S&Q, but if it does then it's basically the same as the Holy Mantle "strat".

Argentinastarg098 years ago

Well, from the VOD it seems he made the bot close the game when a good seed appeared. That way that seed run stayed as the "CONTINUE" option, with a 00:00:00 in-game timer. Then with the tracker he was able to practice it in a different save file, and later on do the "unseeded" one. I'd say the run is legit, but it starts from when the unseeded race actually begins. He can leave the game, but timer still goes on. Same case as when people leaves and continues so Greed is replaced with Super Greed.

So, basically he has a pretty legal 1:50:20 1char run :3

Beld_X, Pibonacci, och SketchyJJ gillar detta
Argentinastarg098 years ago

Just letting mods know about the first thing. While it's a nice seeded run, being spike->darkroom->megasatan it shouldn't count right?

About the new category, are sac rooms allowed? It would be nice if rules explicitely said wether you can or not :)

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