Ukrainespellz688 days ago

Hello, people!

I am planning to submit a speedrun for a single level in Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) and wanted to clarify the rules around visual modifications. I know that certain tweaks, like the widescreen fix, are explicitly allowed.

My question is about an additional option available in the scripts folder alongside the widescreen fix. This setting allows adjusting the size of the user interface (UI), making it slightly smaller, similar to the Xbox 360 version of the game.

The modification doesn’t alter the UI’s functionality; all necessary elements like the minimap and on-screen data remain fully visible. The change is purely cosmetic and not immediately noticeable.

Would using this reduced UI scale setting be permitted for a speedrun submission? I believe it aligns with allowed visual fixes like the widescreen adjustment, but I want to confirm before proceeding.

Above, a screenshot is taken of what it looks like.

Thank you for your time and clarification!

Om spellz68
Gick med
8 days ago
Spel körda
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005)
Senaste körning 2 days ago