Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1314 years ago

So uh, this week I lent out my controller so I had to play on KB/M with my games all week. I decided to take a crack at RE HDR and see if I could do it. It was hard but during the runs I developed a way to stair skate. It was so laughably effective and easy to do! Anybody who has problems speeding up their button mashes will have NO PROBLEMS doing this one.

Technique: First, set your controls to ORIGINAL. You'll be using tank controls for your runs. With your right hand, set your index finger and your middle finger on the Right Shift key. Hold W and then alternate your index finger and middle finger to tap the Right Shift key.

It is insanely easy to speed up and like I said, very very effective. I don't even have a mechanical keyboard!

Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1314 years ago

You're either in or you're out (channeling inner Tom Cruise :-D)..... and I'm in! Judging by the descriptions I've read, there'd potentially be 2 categories. Fastest demo completion time and all 20 Mr. Charlie Statues.

Skinomarsh tycker om detta
Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1314 years ago

I've been holding onto this one for about a week or so now b/c I'm just so lazy w/ the editing and narrating. I decided to just throw it out there w/o the narrating and explain it via text post.

To start, your main weapon needs to be unequipped. For some reason, while your main weapon is equipped, the time it takes to get to the ready animation for your sub-weapons is delayed. Once the main weapon is unequipped, the ready animation for the sub-weapon can start in the first frame. Because the animation starts in the first frame, it can be cancelled just like with aim, making it a viable target for stair skating.

Sub-weapon stair skating is very fast due to the fact that it has a short recovery animation & you can cancel at any point but there's 2 main problems:

  1. It does not work in every room
  2. It requires the main weapon to be unequipped, leading to setups for the inventory where you need to make it accessible for unequipping.

Due to the inconsistencies, I'm not sure if it could be used for runs (which made me even more lazier when it comes to releasing it lol). But anyways, here it is, use it for whatever you want and good luck with it!

KyoxCFA tycker om detta
Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1315 years ago

I've been holding onto this for awhile because I didn't think anybody would want to use it. The Auto-Splitter for me doesn't work correctly leading me to require manual inputs to control the splits. I devised a way to control the splits from the comfort of my own controller.

You'll need a PS4 controller at minimum because it comes with the trackpad. The trackpad itself has two buttons on each side of the trackpad.

Step 1: Click [Resident Evil / biohazard HD Remaster] in your library. Step 2: Click the Gear icon followed by Manage, then Controller Configuration. You should see a screen like below. Step 3: Above the trackpad, you'll see Single Button / Single Button. Click the button you want to configure. Step 4: You'll note on the right on LiveSplit, I set the Start / Split and Reset to other buttons on the keyboard. When you configure the trackpad buttons, you'll want to set these keyboard buttons. So for example, Start / Split is set to F11. The trackpad button on the left is set to F11. So when I press the left trackpad, it will start the timer or split on LiveSplit.

Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1315 years ago

Step 1: Click on [Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER] in your Steam library to bring up the game's page. On the right hand corner, click the Gear and select [Manage] followed by [Controller Configuration]. You should get a screen like this.

Step 2: Click on the Right Analog Stick and you should see a page like this:

Under [Style of Input] change it from [Joystick Move] to [Directional Pad]. Set the Layout to [8-Way (Overlap)]. Change the Deadzone to 0. Max out Overlap Region.

Step 3: Finally, to set your buttons up. Click each direction and the click on the X button as shown. You want to map X to every direction so that as you're circling the analog stick, the button that's being pressed is X. (or Square on DS4)


Punchy tycker om detta
Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1315 years ago

Skip Helicopter Stun: This probably doesn't save any time but hey, it's there if you want to use it

Safe Library Ladder [Leon/Claire A]: Before setting foot on the ground, climb back up and it will trigger the zombies to grab you but they can't and they'll pass right through.

Faster Item Extraction from Examine [Controller only]: Use the right analog stick to zoom the item out. You're getting more coverage of the rotation even though it looks like the speed hasn't changed.

Picking up keys mid quick turn [Leon A/Claire A & B]: This method should work on PC. As you approach the keys, turn your character sideways, hit Quick Turn as you approach the door (on PC this would be letting go of W then A or D), then press the Confirm button to pick up the keys DURING the turn animation. Here, you can see me doing it so smooth that you don't even see the animation.

Lab Lickers [Leon/Claire A]: After dodging the 1st and 2nd licker, approach the table and throw the Flash Grenade so that it bounces off of the bottom portion. If done correctly, the flash will trigger sooner, knocking the lickers out without having to turn around.

MaterialBurst tycker om detta
Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1315 years ago

This one is for the scripted encounter after you flip the switch to put out the fire at the helicopter. When Mr. X lunges at you, you don't have to dodge to the right. You can just run straight through to the left.

Phoenix, AZ, USAspeedforce1315 years ago

Hi everyone! I recorded two videos to show the difference between picking up the key normally versus using quick turning to cancel Sherry's animations and go directly to running.

There's all kinds of methods to get the key ASAP but there's always some drawbacks with the turn animation or the start of her run animation. With this method, if done perfectly, it should be one smooth motion.

To do the technique, you need to either spam quick turn + l/r immediately after obtaining the key, or input quick turn twice + left or right. Has to be done fast.

Before (for reference)

After (double quick turn)

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