Just to note: currently we have cleaned up the CE boards and have relocated the least ran categories (under 5 runs for the most part) to the CE Extensions tab on the Sunshine spreadsheet, so the first place you'll see anything new added would be there. Link: http://sunmar.io/il
the only problems I can see with switching are 1. will RTA still be a requirement? and 2. a lot of runs on the boards don't include IGT and many of them also don't have video or anything
@UrinalMike added
Hmm, maybe you're right on All Leagues but I still think Challenge is worth putting on the LBs since it is a separate playable gamemode.
So I guess I'll remove All Leagues until someone runs it lol
League 100% has been split up into All Leagues and All Pickups and Challenge Mode has been added.
For #1, when you complete all the Grand Prix races you unlock all karts for all characters For #2, I'd imagine he was quick enough to avoid most of it
Called it the wrong name on the leaderboard lol
Neat stuff by the way, thanks for posting!
So is this a speed boost? How much time does this save on each lap?
I think that requiring a WR run to have video would be a good idea though