tråd: Tetris DX
@ZS45 I know it's been two more years but if you're still up for it I'll race you (or whoever is interested). I haven't touched my GBC in years but being stuck at home rn made me pick up Tetris again. Did a 999999/maxout% yesterday just to see if I still have it in me. Took me like approx 1:45. As of rn I don't have a setup to properly time it. I never did it time based in the past. Always line based (which I'd still prefer as a way to score it). And if I remeber correctly my pb is around 500 lines faster so there should be a lot of room for improvement. Possibly even more. Anyways here's a link to the screenshot I took last night. https://ibb.co/7XKPkYd Hit me up if you're looking for friendly competition.
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