Hungarymarqadam2 years ago

Hey I decided to make a thread for brief glitch explanations. I think forum posts remain longer than stuff on discord so this can be useful in the future

also I start with a short one :)

The dying from swing glitch.

So it's known thing in jj2 that if you die while swinging or on the spikes under the swings on jungle2 you getting up on to tied a random object. So the thing is that if you get on a swing you basically can't control the character until it moves - the game thinks that your characters coordinates are tied to the n-th object (the n-th loaded object is the vine). So when you die your the game doesn't think you're out of the swinging state so you still are tied to the n-th loaded object. The case when you die from the spike happens because the game thinks that the spike and the vine over it is the same object(that's some oversight I think its not intentional, but not sure). I think that means that the only case would be where you could use this glitch to save time if we could load the wine on an arbitrary spot on the list of loaded object. I don't think that's feasible but who knows.

Hungarymarqadam5 years ago

It wasnt uploaded here yet: We already saved 99 frames on level Weirder Scince with the new skip, hopefully there will be some another minor optimalizations.

Om marqadam
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