Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

Is this still an issue? If so, I can go in and see if I can fix it.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

yeah, a lot of old maps have been unplayable thanks to what is likely a bug. Though, in any case, the glitch that allowed the map to be beaten in under a minute was patched, so honestly I should probably remove it from the leaderboards lol

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

yeah we could probably add a subcategory for that at some point

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

Also popular leaderboards like Minecraft or Super Mario 64 will likely take 2-4 weeks to verify a particular run since there are so many submissions, and in Minecraft's case, more steps to retime a run properly.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

@Nate123GAMING The reason why your run took so long to be reviewed was because you did a run with another person, which usually isn't allowed. I asked the community if they'd be interested in multiplayer runs, and they said yes. So I added a multiplayer sub-category into Poppy-Playtime in Fortnite, only to realize your run was unverifiable anyway due to you not showing the start of the round in your video.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

Yeah, I might split the leaderboard to have pre-version 68 to post-version 68. If the map gets updated again to remove infinite sprint, then I'll probably do something else

greasy_rhys tycker om detta
Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

it would be prefered, but not required

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

@Ohalr Sorry about that, it should be fixed now

Minty_ tycker om detta
Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

The reason why I ask is because someone submitted a run with 2 players. I don't think this map was made for multiple people but it could be a little faster.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

How would you guys feel if I made a multiplayer sub-category for Poppy Playtime in Fortnite? There could be a category for 1 player, 2 players, 3, and 4 players. I would probably just have the max players be 4 because I don't want too many categories.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

well uh you don't have any runs submitted to the fortnite leaderboards so idk if you have the experience needed to be a verifier. it looks like you dont have any experience moderator speedrun.com leaderboard either for that matter, but... if you really want to, you can DM me on Discord @lookink54#4916 and we can talk about it.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

hey i just realized I retimed this wrong, so I decided to just change the timing method for this category to what was used for this run. (if I had just re-retimed this run, it would probably have to have been rejected since your video doesn't show the round starting.)

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, we aren't really looking for any verifiers atm. Perhaps in the future if this leaderboard becomes more active.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

@KT55 When it says "the newest version," it means "the newest version at the time." The world record played on the most recent version that was available at the time, therefore it still stands. It would probably be a little inconvenient to have to wipe the entire leaderboard when a new version is made lol

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

I mean this leaderboard isn't exactly what you'd call active, so I think we're good on moderators/verifiers rn.

Texas, USAlookink542 years ago

sir this is a wendy's x2

Texas, USAlookink543 years ago

A new category has been added to the Fortnite leaderboards! A deathrun I made called "40 Level Deathrun with skips" has been added. This is a map I made with speedrunning in mind, so you should have an enjoyable experience speedrunning it! I have done a run for the Inbounds and Out of Bounds categories so that you may know the optimal route I came up with. Happy speedrunning! Also... while you're at it... use code Lookink54 in the item shop. I'm pretty sure I lose my publishing rights if I don't cash out once by late June or early July, and I would really like to be able to continue making maps.

Texas, USAlookink543 years ago

@AstroPug I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I will take a look at the map you sent and see if it's a good fit for the leaderboards. In the meantime, there's an Unofficial leaderboard that anyone can edit or add categories to if you want to add a map to it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LZOyimJsjxbegLpZKoVNnVzOPf-mSTQrpPlN3F-qxhs/edit?usp=sharing (Also, I do want your run of the map)

Texas, USAlookink543 years ago

@XeN_Htmxz this leaderboard will never be used for Battle Royale.

  1. This leaderboard is for Creative maps only. Having Battle Royale categories on this leaderboard would make absolutely no sense.
  2. Pretty much everything you could potentially speedrun in Battle Royale would depend on RNG and who you're matched up with, the latter of which could easily be manipulated by making a new account, since your first game on a new account is always against bots. It would take way too long to reset a run if you had to create a new account every time. With these things considered, there would be very little skill involved. If you really wanted to however, you might be able to make a Battle Royale leaderboard separate from this leaderboard.
XeN_Htmxz tycker om detta
Om lookink54
I don't speedrun that much anymore, but I do make music!
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