there was a time when i was not sure if karlson , but then i remembered that the real karlson is not to find to karlson but to karlson. to ask how the karlson is , might be the wrong approach . karlson can be whatever you want , but the important thing is to remember that we can always be karlson. karlson can be a tricky thing to understand . there are certain karlson forums that can help with that. one of them are highly praised. they are called karlson .
maybe on the category extension board but not on the main leaderboard lol
for anyone who doesn't know ->
probably a resolution problem. like dave said , try playing in window mode and/or use a lower resolution.
i🖖 have come💦 to the conclusion🤔 to ban all runs🤗 that might be using this weird auto jump hack /trick🥸👿😈. my dad 🥶works at karlson 😌,so ill even go as far to tell him to ban😈🤬 them from karlson. 💀💀💥
we just bullied som dude out of the internet 😥
you can jump with spacebar? i always wondered how people were able to jump. i just assumed they cheated.
So, i'm new to this forum, but I have found something so useful that it makes a broken trick so much easier.
Karlson has integrated auto-walk. Just hold w,a,s,d !
Ok, so, what's happening with the walking code is that every frame the game is checking if you are holding w,a,s,d. If you are, it applies an force. Since the check is running every frame, you'll essentially move at every possible frame you can move. I just guessed the code thing, but the main fact is actually true.
mate not only responded to a 9 month old thread, but they might also be in the wrong place.