Pennsylvania, USAjackafur3 years ago

yea and the reason I said that was because your friend here was instigating. I'm locking this. I have no idea why the site mods would post in a troll thread and then leave it open.


Pennsylvania, USAjackafur3 years ago

yea and no one used it cept you to get a free IL WR that every one has. that's why we never bothered. the way we used to track ILs was good enough for the time.

Pennsylvania, USAjackafur3 years ago

Weed is spouting nonsense. The only things you've asked me about was about revisions of the game, which no one knows what the differences are, about a bomb clip I havent done in years and the gold gem from 5-7 which I answered. I also ported the IL levels to src because you asked and made a basic movement tutorial for someone else because they asked. You guys seem more interested in causing problems more than you care about the "community". Also screeching "mod reppler" at us constantly when reppler has never even expressed interest to be mod doesnt help your case either. Not to mention me and intercom can't even make him mod.

Pennsylvania, USAjackafur3 years ago

I'm standing with Intercom on this. I also think it's a little strange that they were removed 3 times before getting an explanation. Unless you did contact who was doing it and I'm just unaware of it.


Murry33 och TheIntercom gillar detta
Pennsylvania, USAjackafur3 years ago

you're obsessed dude.

PrettzL tycker om detta
Pennsylvania, USAjackafur8 years ago

Beats me. I dont even know how to make categories tbh. Why not just submit it to any%. Also lol @ replying to a 10 month old thread.

RunningManAk: I would just pm bismuth I guess


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