Illinois, USAgoogoopuffman4 years ago

ok thank you :)

Illinois, USAgoogoopuffman4 years ago

I asked a question and yall removed it. all you needed to do was say Yes or No to is setting all mouse buttons to left click allowed lol

Illinois, USAgoogoopuffman4 years ago

how do you set up co-op runs for old minecraft versions (1.7.2 glitchless 3 person any% random seed)? How do I find the version of the server I want, and how do I keep making new worlds until I find the seed i want for a server?

Can I just run a lan server without cheats enabled but have the world with cheats so I can do /time set 0 to start but others don't have access to the commands?

Basically what im asking is how do you do Co-OP random seed

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Om googoopuffman
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