I agree with the naming convention, something like Only Mt. Fuji directly tells you want the category is about. I also had in mind "Mt. Fuji Save Warp", since the glitch itself is a Save Warp, but it might be too long. I also agree with adding Glitchless to Any%.
I was wondering if you were also interested in higher difficulties, like Try 1 and above, or doing ILs of the post-credit mountains.
hey there, i just saw your run and realised it's the same glitch i found as well while playing the game. I don't know where the moderator is currently, since she's not appeared for the past 9 months, and if she doesn't respond, we could maybe try to recover mod status by asking site admins.
as for the glitch itself, i think it's best to consider it a different category in a sense, since it break the entire game and relies on a already completed save compared to the original intent of the game.
I tried to get up the shaft but it seems to be a pipe dream. The passage towards the Skybridge Access elevator is blocked, not only by a giant pit between the save point and the elevator, but even before than that, a energy wall that is probably impassable.
While I know that ledges under energy walls can still be grabbed using dash at a specific height, i dunno if you could do the same without dash. I did attempt to do some walljumps with grasshopper booster and some backjumps from the luminet platforms underneath, it was too far away or not precise enough.
But otherwise, I'd love to find more setups for back wall.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to apply a deafult, and so it put FIFE Allowed as the default by... default. Changed all of that. Thank you for pointing it out!
incredible, Rychu and I should discuss it soon, but there's no reason to not split the board into FIFE/No FIFE.
unless you are Jupi, I don't think you can do MC with only missiles and drones
just do shotless, cowards :3
Very nice find! I can totally see it being worth something for All Biohacks, or as a safety in Pro mode~
I'd assume all Zeta biohacks would technically do the same, but only Cloaking.exe and Ionbarrier.exe would have a major effect on hacking when being removed.
I'd say IonBarrier.exe isn't that worth it, considering that there's very little hacking between getting it and Malorie. But again, depends on hacking skill and the number of hacks on the way to Cloaking.
Lucifer9783 once again found us a glitch! This glitch, when active, makes the Yar in hacking minigames intangible, meaning walls do no longer block it. To do so, you must die and win on the same frame, therefore it can only work on multi-stage hacks.
Main issue is that hacks requiring you to kill a Qotile are in a broken state and cannot be completed. So it limits the number of hacks that can benefit from such a boon.
Once again, since Lucifer found it, she got to name it: Ghost Hack.
Vid shows the hack being triggered in Supernova, and used to make the Trionic Nibble hack look like a joke, before crashing down in the Destroyer Missile hack after that.
Thanks! To be honest, I don't mind either, as the only change would be unlocking bubble pocket #5 for all characters (affection lv100) since it's where you get the kissing stills. It doesn't really change my route outside of maybe grinding a bit more for Hagane since she doesn't see much use during Normal runs.
Sorry to ask a silly question, but do All Fragments mean Memory Fragments 001 through 217, or does it also include the Event Stills?
I'm currently routing the category and I just need this last part to know before doing my notes.
I actually did it, and no Fly or Grasshopper Booster! Though the save is... minimal to say the least. If you miss it, you're losing time, no questions asked.
Also, while it looks easy on the vid, it's tighter than the one I did in the first post.
So, as Lucifer9783 was playing through the game casually, she found a weird way to get a second Fly despite the baked in limitation.
It so happens that, if you do a Dragonfly Dash that gets clipped and cancelled, it removes the One Fly limitation.
As is tradition, Lucifer9783 got to name it: Fly Dash-Cancel, shortened to FDC.
Here's a vid showing FDC being done to access Zorlon Impact D without Fly Booster.
Thanks! 90 mins seems quite difficult, you'll probably need a Nobunaga quick kill and perfect Shingen/Kenshin fights, I think 1:33 or 1:32 is the closest without the quick kill, but i'm sure it's possible