surely this cannot be an approved run without a video for proof?
Hi Centenari, yes they are still being reviewed, mostly by myself, but there is a roughly 2 week grace period from submitting to approval.
This is indeed a loophole and needs to be closed as the idea is you kill the king when it is not yourself.
Appreciate you bringing it up!
Nothing is specified in the rules as it was thought of as being the quickest way of doing the runs and therefore everyone would do the same.
Feel free to do runs on small map and submit.
Or a twist on the above, how about rotate% where the least amount of rotations to complete the game?
The frame perfect skip on level 15, how much time would people guess it saves?
he really is lol
We all had a really good battle for first a few years back, changing hands multiple hands and it pushed everyone to their best, he was just that bit better than everyone else.
and not just at this game.
It's a good suggestion but I am not sure we could apply it at this stage.
Due to the fact that is not clear on the menu screen what the map size when the run starts. I am not sure the runs could be split up and the decision was made to just have the % runs be run on the short map.
The powerups are allowed
Any adverts are taken into consideration and that time is removed.
It obviously works as a level 5 run - I am unsure what the "Satelite Version" you are referring to, is it just the skin you are referring to?
If so then I would say the skin does not give an advantage and this can be submitted into the level 5 run as is.
Thanks again, greatly appreciated.
Thank you for bringing that run to my attention I have since rejected it.
The runs should be done on normal mode - not in any other mode.
It is the % of the individual not the team.
I currently moderate the games with the series and all the games are currently classed as unofficial releases even though they are official releases from the developers.
How/who do I talk to about getting them changed to official releases?
lol - I would like to, but due to the way that the game starts it is not possible to change the start due to the kills categories require it to start imidiatly.
The 1 kills at the top of the leaderboard are all kills whereby the kills happened before the user even hits the floor.
Unfortunatly nothing can be done apart from splitting everything out by device which would reduce the competition and reduce the games popularity as a speed running game.
Not a problem, thought I would ask and yeh everything does run smoothly arou d here 😊