Scotlandcheekychunk19 days ago

How the <bleepity bleep> are we getting Milkshake Mode as a category before DC hardware/emulator split?

@Moderators this is making me go complete quackers right now (please don't DM me, i need a minute to calm down)

Scotlandcheekychunk4 months ago

Routing this game on Dreamcast right now and wondering what the opinions of runners & mods are. To me with speedrunning it feels like it's usually a fresh save file so you'd only have the original 12 boxers but I realise that if you have been grinding the game enough to speedrun it then you'd have all 23 unlocked (or with cheat code).

Some input would be nice before I do runs but I just want to make clear, the board is already pretty light so let's not make two seperate sub-categories for it. Let's just decide one or the other. It obviously wasn't an issue for N64 since they use Mama Tua (an original starter).

P1ZZAC4T tycker om detta
Scotlandcheekychunk1 year ago

Why isn't PSP and DS split off when they're literally different versions lmao

Shemcat tycker om detta
Scotlandcheekychunk1 year ago

Interested in running this on Dreamcast but since it's a different version where Mama Tua isn't OP + loading times then it makes it unviable for runs. Would love it if "N64" "PS1" "Dreamcast" were sub-categories for both the main categories to allow other consoles to flourish with competition in their respective lanes.

NintenLew och P1ZZAC4T gillar detta
Scotlandcheekychunk1 year ago

In-game there are The Three Pirates text screens that display before you fight the boss and it appears that on NTSC-J there is no text, on NTSC-U there is one text screen and on PAL there is mutliple screens which obviously adds up to some serious amount over time.


Ellimist tycker om detta
Scotlandcheekychunk1 year ago

Has been known about since June 2022 but hasn't been mentioned in rules change. From my own personal experience playing it on my own GBA SP, I know the game lags. This is emulated correctly on VisualBoyAdvance but not mGBA which is the emu of the current runner's choice.


Scotlandcheekychunk2 years ago

With a new WR on emu I have decided to switch the timing method of the run. We will now add up all the IGT as the races go by to determine the time (I will write a guide on how to do this). Feel free to continue having an RTA timer as well as it's nice to have both timing methods. Below I will include the collected times of runs so far, feel free to contest any calculations.


  • p1-2:56.63 p2-2:28.26 p3-1:49.73 p4-2:54.63 pT-10:09.25
  • j1-2:03.26 j2-2:35.53 j3-2:22.40 j4-2:51.36 jT-9:52.55
  • t1-2:58.40 t2-2:18.73 t3-2:18.10 t4-2:56.93 tT-10:32.16
  • s1-2:06.10 s2-2:50.80 s3-3:46.56 s4-4:11.06 sT-12:54.52
  • v1-3:36.36 v2-3:05.43 v3-2:51.80 v4-4:43.90 vT-14:17.49


  • p1-2:59.13 p2-2:33.43 p3-1:51.96 p4-3:24.00 pT-10:48.52
  • j1-2:01.10 j2-2:43.43 j3-2:04.53 j4-2:51.63 jT-9:40.69
  • t1-3:03.43 t2-2:17.66 t3-2:16.70 t4-2:50.00 tT-10:27.79
  • s1-2:07.53 s2-2:59.20 s3-3:51.53 s4-4:13.30 sT-13:11.56
  • v1-3:39.16 v2-3:06.16 v3-2:33.46 v4-4:44.56 vT-14:03.34


  • p1-3:11.53 p2-2:42.26 p3-2:00.36 p4-3:16.50 pT-11:10.65
  • j1-2:09.53 j2-2:51.26 j3-2:11.63 j4-3:02.53 jT-10:14.95
  • t1-3:25.26 t2-2:33.16 t3-2:25.86 t4-2:59.10 tT-11:23.28
  • s1-2:14.56 s2-3:01.33 s3-4:19.20 s4-4:29.96 sT-14:05.05
  • v1-4:15.46 v2-3:16.26 v3-3:04.80 v4-4:55.26 vT-15:31.78
Scotlandcheekychunk2 years ago

Anyone heard of this game? :D

Scotlandcheekychunk3 years ago

Wtf is it and why has it caused 4000+ runs to get added to SRC with no associated account...

Scotlandcheekychunk3 years ago

If loads are removed below a certain threshold by moderators then what difference does a USB Loader make on an official Wii? I would assume it's a bit better than straight emulation.

Sorry if this question has been asked a hundred times.

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

I moderate the ChuChu Rocket! board and I've edited the trophies and icons but they don't seem to have updated after like 3 hours. I've tried the Ctrl+F5 to clear my cache a few times and tried different browsers.

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

Just want it to be known here that we would accept other versions of Gain Ground to be here on this board. I can verify Genesis and Arcade runs however if someone was to post SMS, PS2 and/or TG16CD then we'd ask them to join as a moderator to be able to verify other runners of said platform(s).

The main categories would be the name of the platform while subcategories could be used for difficulty akin to current Genesis runs. The categories will only be added once a runner approaches to avoid a clutterred and empty board.

Of course this is open to discussion, you can contact me directly here on site or on discord.

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

Hey all, I've got a pretty prickly issue that I'm wanting to get off my chest for a while now. I've personally owned 2 Dreamcast consoles and have had the disc drive die on both (one pre-2010 and then I bought a one in 2020 with a faulty disc drive). I went to the Dreamcast modding community to see what I could do, I learned that with Dreamcasts there are 2 disc drives out there: -Superior japanese disc drive -Chinese prone to failure disc drive However many members there persuaded me that it wasn't worthwhile buying a japanese disc drive and instead to invest in GDEmu, personally I don't have a lot of income and was tired of doing my best to avoid emulation but facing greater and greater cost however I bit the bullet and got a GDEmu just purely to be able to get some use out of my Dreamcast. Even if I bought a working disc drive it's only a matter of time until it needs the laser tweaked and this is something I'm uncomfortable doing however the GDEmu replacement was a simple plug out, plug in and try not to break anything. When I first started speedrunning DotF I didn't realise that my load times were advantageous because I made the stupid mistake of comparing my GDEmu loads to my PS2 loads (I use a backwards compatible PAL PS3 for PS2 gaming). Only recently when I compared my loads against @halfbakedprophet did I notice the error in my ways, I guesstimated I was saving about 3.5 minutes over him. While I clearly make use of better strats and also cleaner gameplay to make my time a lot more distant from his, I still felt bad about such a timesave over loads. Now I want to make it right and the only way I see that is to manually time without loads, I'm gonna be doing this from the frame before loading screen art appears and end loading the frame after the loading bar completes (aka level image and loading bar disappear to full screen of black). This is pretty gross to do manually and a real pain, probably gonna add to verification time however with DotF having such a miniscule speedrun community I think the load of work will be acceptable. LUL The weird thing is that the variety in glitches across 3 regions of Dreamcast and PS2 are so great that load times seem way less important compared to glitch ability. I also had this idea of finding the difference between my loads and HBP's and then just adding this onto my RTA time as a penalty as a third option, I think some genesis boards do that to combat emulator speeds. However there is a part of me that thinks this might come across as a little selfish, so please let me know.

tl;dr i'm an idiot but i don't want to throw away my WR so gonna have move to time without loads

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

While there is a fair bit of menu-ing needed during this speedrun, there's so much stuttering and waiting around that personally I'd rather use IGT. This also allows use of GDEmu and negates inaccurate emulator load times which I think is a positive thing allowing for more accessability. I personally have had to deal with 2 Dreamcast disc drives dying on me and currently use a GDEmu so I'm glad I can use IGT for timing rather than have to do manual Time without Loads.

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

Hey this account that submitted the run is just a fan account, the real one is here @penguinz0 if you could change it please

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

Hey this account that submitted the run is just a fan account, the real one is here @penguinz0 if you could change it please

Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

I've heard of people speedrunning this type of run, is there a site for these runs? A way to transfer these runs to here?

GhostRush37 tycker om detta
Scotlandcheekychunk4 years ago

I’ve played through both the PSP and PS4 versions to completion and for Any% they seem identical, why split the boards? An example would be the Patapon remasters not splitting the board because these games are simply HD remasters

Om cheekychunk
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