United Statesapplesauc3 years ago

The game does attempt to limit fps to 60 even on higher refresh rates, but it still ends up running slightly faster than 60 (my steam fps counter bounces between 60-61 when my monitor is at 144hz, occasionally reaching 62), and I am fairly certain would alter the game physics a bit, though I haven't tested it in a while.

United Statesapplesauc4 years ago

It uses an out of bounds glitch that has since been patched out (@21:19 in the video). At the time of this run it was known this was going to be patched out and was agreed upon that runs using it wouldn't be verified.

United Statesapplesauc4 years ago

Went ahead and made the change.

United Statesapplesauc4 years ago

Currently all submissions to the Targets leaderboard include a variable for the score achieved, but since every possible score creates a unique variable, all submissions stay on the board even if done by the same person with the same character. It's a bit of a mess, to be honest.

Would the people currently running Targets be fine with removing the score variable to help clean up the board, or would you rather keep it how it is?

United Statesapplesauc4 years ago

Late reply, but IGT in this game has a history of being somewhat inaccurate, and with load times and game speed being the same across all platforms there's no real need to move away from RTA.

United Statesapplesauc5 years ago

60Hz on PC is still required, due to various game physics differences that happen on different refresh rates. That unfortunately means it wouldn't be possible to accept any of your runs if you don't have a way to lower your refresh rate.

United Statesapplesauc6 years ago

The only ways to implement an IL leaderboard reasonably would be to 1) Set up NG+ ILs (and low% if people want that) only, as those are the only categories with clearly defined toolkits throughout each stage; or 2) Set up just a general IL board played on a non-NG+ file that allows any and all items and upgrades for every stage. The former makes much more sense to me, and is what I think should be done if anything, but the latter could also work if people really wanted it that way for whatever reason.

United Statesapplesauc6 years ago

We've discussed bringing them back, the primary deterrent is that we could only have ILs for NG+ and Low%, because you can't quite determine the set of items you "should have" in Any%.

United Statesapplesauc7 years ago

I agree with your stance on Horace not really belonging on the leaderboard and with your concerns with NG+ cheat code. I really don't like that we'd go with allowing music sheets to be collected for Shovel Low% just because the current wr collects a single one, whether or not that single one is equally as easy to avoid as it is to collect and was picked up due to a misunderstanding of the requirements of the category.

United Statesapplesauc7 years ago

Also, you should join the discord! We're all happy to answer these kinds of questions there, and you'll get responses much faster. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/0SqABNqwFExE98xR

Nich tycker om detta
United Statesapplesauc7 years ago

Boss rush overall takes a good amount of time practicing to get down, moreso than any other part of the run. If you grind it out for a while and still struggle with it too much then getting some extra health or going back and removing Conjurer's Coat before the stage can make it easier. I'd definitely recommend putting a lot of practice into it either way.

matthieurappeneau och Nich gillar detta
United Statesapplesauc7 years ago

He said Switch in the title. I can't help you with capture device, but as for general tips, find a certain high-level run or a tutorial for the character you want to play and study it as closely as you can. Try to understand what it is they're doing and replicate it. If you're planning on running Shovel Knight the character, Maestro's tutorial is a good place to start. You can also ask the community members anything about the game if you have any questions if you join the Discord.

matthieurappeneau tycker om detta
Om applesauc
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