@Ishimuraa, yeah I can't find it on Twitch either. But for now set the SRC game Twitch value to "Shinobi". - and it currently is that.
It says on Twitch that they don't add "Games that are considered an alternative version of another game.". But the game is on IGDB, maybe there's something that could be edited here for it to show.
@DariusW, look at the thread. You need to request these games if you want them on the site as no one else here is gonna do it for you.
This thread is a bit old. The new page you need to go on is here (Help > New ticket) on the "Add a new game to Speedrun" type.
And here are the game request rules. There are also a few on the ticket page itself.
What game is this for? Ask this in that game's forum or Discord. Or ask its moderators or read the game's rules.
As these are the general forums for the site.
If you're using a weird setup, then I'd write what you're using in the description of runs when submitting.
@Ishimuraa, there is. You could create your own Twitch category. Or just find the game that's most the appropriate and set its name as your game's Twitch value.
For example, on Twitch only the Fortnite category exists. There's a SRC game called Fortnite Granny, this is a user created map. On Twitch we can't filter by gamemode or map. So I set the game's Twitch value to just Fortnite. Meaning maps other than that one can appear, but it's better than nothing.
What's the game that you don't think is on there?
@Redbirdgoesflying currently only Twitch appears on the Steams page
What's wrong with asking on the forums?
But tbh, you could have made a single thread to ask about these categories rather than 3.
On some events they let you play it after it has ended. And I wasn't sure.
And this shouldn't be a category, as no one can run the category. Unless people have done it in the past.
Is it still possible to play the event? As it has ended
You've sent me the link to the video. After going on the website, without an ad blocker, I pressed "play" on the video and another web page opened and it started downloading a file called OperaBrowser.exe that was blocked for being malicious. I then went back on the page to press play and another advert page opened.
This is why it was rejected as your video hosting platform isn't very good so site staff can't even watch your run due to adverts getting in the way. Use YouTube or another common video hosting service instead.
This was for a game request? What was their exact rejection reason? And could you provide the run that you submitted?
I haven't heard requests being rejected because of ads before
Those runs are orphaned because they don't have a value for the Version subcategory. Subcategories are a filter so you can't see runs where they don't have a value set.
To fix this issue, press the "Apply default to runs" button on the subcategory page. This will set all runs without a value to the default value.
Or turn the subcategory into an annotation instead, so it doesn't act as a filter and then you can move runs into the correct value manually.
Go on the game's page, and press "forums".
Or press "Discount" near the game's cover image, if they have one.
Or scroll down until you find the "Moderators" panel, press on one of their profiles and message one of them on the site or on an off-site platform about it.
These forums are the general forums for the site.
Is MCSR ranked even a game on the site? Isn't this just Minecraft: Java Edition? As it has its own website.
TLDR: this is a SRC bug, so just wait a bit and hopefully it gets fixed. As there's nothing game mods can do to fix it rn
Site staff used to not be able to create or update platforms.
Ever since the site redesign, the platform list has been hard coded. Meaning site staff couldn't add or remove platforms without the developers editing the code to do it for them.
There was a massive JSON string in SRC's code that had a list of all of these platforms.
With this new update, the site's admin panel has been changed to allow for site staff to add, remove, and edit platforms. Because of this, they have removed the massive JSON object.
On a run's page, it seems like they forgot they removed this and are still trying to find the platform name from there. But of course there's nothing to find so it's blank. This seems to be the issue and has a simple fix.
I've pinged site staff about this on Discord and Meta has reacted with a thumbs up, so they are aware of the issue.
@Alexithink, I think @Shaladarpan0945 is a bot, along with @Albero .
@SioN, you're wrong. Series moderators now do get added, there are now just different permissions for the moderation types. The mod's use is to set a theme for the series; all games can inherit this theme.
Only super moderators can now add games, and I think these are only given out to series where it's likely games will be added in the future.
Regular moderators are now what's normally given out, and they can edit the theme, etc.
If you want to fix this issue, then you need to try and contact the moderators off-site to see if they respond.
If they don't after like 2 weeks, then submit a support ticket with your proof that the moderators are inactive, if it gets accepted, then you'll replace the moderators, and you'll get added as a mod yourself.
You need a run on the game to get added as a mod, which you don't have for Mini-Dead. So you won't be accepted in this case.
And if you don't wanna request a ticket, then you can still message the moderators and ask them to be active again. Or you'll have to wait for another runner to submit a ticket instead. Maybe you could ask some of the runners who are already on the board or who have a pending run to do this.