I don't know if Purple Lamp made patch notes but if not I think there should be a place somewhere where the revision differences are listed.
it seems like it isn't a lag clip if you do it like four does here,works very consistantly for me every time
but i saw chris' new 200% run and he like,does pauses so i'm kinda confused
im gonna be so pissed if it's considered a lag clip
Kind of a dumb idea but would be kind of cool. I know duck life has it.
so I think its collecting a coin and it counts as twice its amount. how do you do it.
So for some reason I can get GCC pause clip on dolphin without even pausing and just pressing L but I heard chatter say he couldn't get it at all and that pause clipping in general doesn't even work on gamecube and ps2 because there is no lag.So im guessing its something to do with my settings but I have no idea which one.
Me clipping in like 10 times in 20 minutes with pause and l mashed,just pause mashed,and no mashing at all(sorry that its really cringeworthy):
as you all know im a lazy individual and I don't want to make anyone mad.
kind of want to play this game but the game doesn't render on pcsx2.if emu is allowed and I can get the game working ill look for skips.
kind of want to look for skips but the game goes really slow on certain cutscences.
Ok so why are duplicate runs from the main boards no longer accepted.Its a dumbass rule which makes no sense.I mean I know why its for the main boards because it makes less clutter but this is the fucking meme boards for graps sake.
They are a part of BFBB history and removing them is just not right.Like if you agree.
I've been thinking about asking for awhile but I think this game definitely needs ILs.Timing should start when you press A to select your character and end when the "You Win" text shows up.I guess even the driving and patty building levels should also get ils because they have some skill in them but that's up to you.
I prefer running platformers with a good amount of skips and tricks.the game also needs to allow emulator, preferably dolphin.
we should delete gltichless if the oob is shown to be non rta viable
should we only allow vba.im fine with other emus but if you aren't I'm alright with that too
A category that's your leaderboard times for bfbb any% tssm any% and tos any% added up. I think it would get more people to run tos.
Powerless Cheat%: all cheats except all powers and all powers upgraded
All Chests: get all chests and beat the game
Legacy%: The thing you guys were thinking of doing
something simmaler to the character cheat%s of bfbb
pls don't hate me for making this someone was bound to make it in the future
Well you guys posted on the good old forums today so I decided to ask about it now that Gamdin has a good time and I have a time that was around his time back then.