Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I think the only category that would be good and very challenging is Low%.

  • Complete the game without upgrading the character, examples: buy bullets and HP, expand life, expand stamina.
  • Everything will be collected in the game.

It is basically finishing the game without spending your money.

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I watch your runs, I don't think it's a good idea. You have some stages that don't have much challenge and fun to run.

Examples: Train Car (PSP) in 1:04.633 The Hood (PSP) in 36.833

It has stages of a few types: The Hood -> Just running Run (ignore everything) kill boss Run, kill enemies to advance and kill the boss.

Some phases are good for IL, but most would not be interesting.

MigJmz tycker om detta
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

Isn't it better to make the audio of the game? it's weird to watch a whole run without audio and not much fun.

HiramVadhir tycker om detta
tråd: 25 To Life
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

New Category ▶ Individual LevelsAny% OoB and Any% No OoB The idea would be to do the ILs after finishing the game at least. ▶ The time starts when you select the level. ▶ And ends when you see the 25 to life logo when you finish the level.

✔ **New Categories ▶ New Game - No OoBNG+ - No OoB

tråd: 25 To Life
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

▶ The time starts when you select the level. ▶ And ends when you see the 25 to life logo when you finish the level.

Might add, it's a really fun and challenging category.

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

Unfortunately this is how it works. That's why RTA is not used in run registration because of P2W and that RE4 is a poorly optimized game, and only the IGT of the result screen is the right one, besides counting the loading screens unfortunately.

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

Thanking the site moderation for adding me as a Super Mod on this leaderboard for my request, so for the new runners don't worry that your runs will be analyzed with no problem of inactivity.

Please, to the old moderators don't be bothered by this change, I will not do any harm, joke or harm the game leaderboard anymore, I will just take responsibility.

  • There will be updates to the rules and themes.

  • Versions added. REMASTERED Chapter 1+2 v1.0S v0.5b

  • Link to download the game.

  • Checked runs.

  • All runs have to be made in the updated versions (if there are any updates I will update the runners in the "Latest News" tab).

  • Commenting on submitted runs has been disabled to avoid spam/flood/senseless comments/offensive comments.

  • Some runs were retroactively rejected as having no video evidence.

Thank you.

benslife12 tycker om detta
tråd: BLACK
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I created a new discord server for easy communication: https://discord.gg/2fXppcKXzH

I made screenshots of what the leaderboard should look like: Suggestions: 1 - It is not necessary to create categories with separate difficulties, because most runners always will play on Easy, so it would be good to put the difficulties with variable as it is shown in the example image. 2 - The game has a M16 A2 Glitch with the grenade launcher that helps you in the whole game. 3 - In the individual levels take off all difficulties and only put Any%, difficulties and glitches as variables.

IMAGE 1 https://i.ibb.co/Mf6Qg5t/2.jpg

IMAGE 2 https://i.ibb.co/0fGWPGV/1.jpg

4 - Separate the consoles as sub categories (as shown in the image), make a comparison in all versions, especially the PS2 version, it is obvious that the newer generations have advantages because of the loading screens.

IMAGE 3 https://i.ibb.co/2Ks0ny9/3.jpg

5 - But the game normally in an empty save 0% the game will only have Easy and Normal difficulty, then the correct would be to create the category New Game only for these two difficulties, because if you finish the game in Normal you get the silver weapons and other attributes and not start with the gun as at the beginning of the game in a first play that is the beginning of the New Game.

KellarOriented tycker om detta
tråd: BLACK
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

First you should create a discord server for runners to discuss the rules and categories in a simpler way.

MorAgy tycker om detta
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

This category is really fun to run, could you please add it? I have already run it and am already training the main categories.

gustative tycker om detta
tråd: speedJUMP
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

Thanking the site moderation for adding me as a Super Mod on this leaderboard for my request, so for the new runners don't worry that your runs will be analyzed with no problem of inactivity.

Please, to the old moderators don't be bothered by this change, I will not do any harm, joke or harm the game leaderboard anymore, I will just take responsibility.

  • There will be updates to the rules and themes.
  • Version 1.3.0 was added.
  • Link to download the game.
  • Checked runs.
  • All runs have to be made in the updated versions (if there are any updates I will update the runners in the "Latest News" tab).
  • Commenting on submitted runs has been disabled to avoid spam/flood/senseless comments/offensive comments.
  • All RTA and IGT times of individual levels will be the same, so that there is no risk of putting the time on the wrong tab.
  • New speedrun logo added.
  • Level 6 added.
  • Separate IGT and RTA times.
  • Runs re-examined.
  • Some runs were retroactively rejected as having no video evidence.

Thank you.

tråd: speedJUMP
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I wanted to know if the runs I sent then sample for verification? or I have to send again? or are the moderators inactive? or is it a bug that the moderators can't see the submitted runs?

If you are having problems with moderation, I'm available in case you need me, I've moderated several leaderboards and this game is simple and fun to run.


Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

@thiagorojo18 The game has its leaderboard for console. Link: https://www.speedrun.com/re4console In the category and select the PC07.

If you have more questions please contact the runners/moderators on the server at discord, which has an easier communication. Link: https://discord.gg/7EwWT2k

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I like the new theme and icons, keep it up.

jw13 tycker om detta
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

RIP (the forum is made for discussions or questions about the game) okay

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I played since 2019, and over time had updates or new games, but wanted to know if these categories -> ch1%, House%, House2%, Maze%, lab% be part of the new version? or are of old versions?

My runs v0.5 - v1.0: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmI_nx2XTE1H6SdJZCUZkPh2oKEZNIJVM

Because in 2019 I already did runs of this game in versions: v0.5 - v1.0 and I will do CH1% in this new version.

Glitch% would be what? which glitch run? and which version?

The WR of the CH1% has no video evidence.

I have a new category suggestion that I have already run which is All 4 Levels in version v0.5

benslife12 tycker om detta
Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

It's an interesting category, but it would be without infinite weapons wouldn't it? example: Chicago Typewriter, Infinite Launcher and the PRL

The Hand Cannon I have a doubt: can it be used BUT without the special upgrade to make it infinite and firepower at maximum?

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

I wish they would add One Weapon Only for SW+ being the weapons: SW+/Only Chicago SW+/Only Bowgun SW+/Only TMP SW+/Only Rifle (semi-auto) SW+/Only Handgun SW+/Only Shotgun SW+/Only Blacktail

And for SW: SW/Only Shotgun SW/Only Blacktail

These runs I already did in 2019 can be seen in my RE4 runs playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmI_nx2XTE1Gvxaieu3epDsM30RJBFDLa

Pará, BrazilWagnerBrasil2 years ago

OBS.: Comente em inglês, porque os runners podem não responder sua pergunta ou ele pedem para comentar em inglês, okay.

Respondendo seu post: Não precisa ser uma nova categoria, mas sim uma subcategoria ou até mesmo uma variável, porque Category Extensions não é muito competido. Apenas coloque em PS1 > Emulator e deixe um comentário antes de enviar a run informando que você fez no celular. Mas ai não sei se é permitido jogar no emulador através do celular, sei que no PC é permitido, olhe as regras da leaderboard principal que eles mostram qual é o emulador permitido.

Om WagnerBrasil
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