I've only managed to notice this while going to the database at 3-2 and 7-1. After teleporting to your clone, if you save, try to jump for the ledge and fail, loading old save and trying the jump again will give you "boosted" jump, which helps to clear the gap more easily (notice the speed difference).
5 cocoon oob currently, hopefully we can find better way to do this.
Yep. Requires 3 cocoons, i managed to do it with 2 cocoons once, couldn't replicate it.
Since there are more runners than before running the game, I created new discord-server to join: https://discord.gg/DKDzMEW
So I was thinking, would it be possible to play the game with "New Game Plus"-styled? You would start game at Styxs hideout, and choose every level manually via mission select. It would create interesting scenarios, since you aren't that restricted with amber/cocoons and have all the power-ups.
Nice, more oob! Credits goes to reddituser kira_7777 for finding this.
When browsing Styx unofficial reddit, i stumbled upon this thread, and they somehow managed to get out of bounds in 3-1, and got to the database. https://old.reddit.com/r/StyxGame/comments/6kssl2/game_breaking_glitch_in_the_third_mission/ I can't test this since i'm at work, but i will definitely give it a try when i get home.
Here you go, this one includes a database as well:
Hey, I found out that there is actually possible to get out of bounds in Labyrinth of Passage. Here is the video: