Can you for future runs, use the load remover as I'd rather not have to retime runs xD
@Tappers74 you can go around the inner circle the main city without any repercussions and explore and get stuff like the Night runner hideouts discovered and respawn there, however it achieves nothing as even if you go to the fish eye you can't actually get inside to the bar area as it's story locked.
Pretty fun for going to the sunken city and trying to get a tier 7+ weapon and just nuking the early bosses, which I did after testing this out.
unfortunately this isn't helpful for speedruns from the testing I've done, you can get to the central early but you can't achieve anything as everything in the game is quest locked, but still a really cool find :)
Can't develop an Autosplitter for the game because it would mean connecting to the server to pull info which is breaching internet security.