Florida, USATheAnvil5 years ago

I'm having a problem with a skip on Papu's Pyramid and would like some feedback on the issue. the problem is that I'm receiving a "wrong way" text doing the full skip and the game doesn't count my lap even though I clearly land behind the finish line without going over it. I don't know the specific name for the skip but its the one where you hop onto the island to the left, then onto the long platform to the left, across a bit of track that you drove on at the start of the race, then onto a small wall, landing behind the finish line. Previously I haven't kept sacred fire through the first boost pad, and the skip worked fine (although I had trouble making the jump from island to the second platform on the left and had to go around the long way) but now when I keep sacred fire (making sure to mini turbo at least once before hitting the boost pad) the game is giving me a longer 'wrong way' animation and also not counting my lap once I jump from track to the island. I've even had aku/uka pick me up after the skip before the finish line. The game DOES count my lap if I have sacred fire but DON'T jump onto the island.

Has anyone else had this problem??

Also for convenience I'm running on the Ps3 version of the game.

Om TheAnvil
Gick med
5 years ago
5 years ago