Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

What about a speedrun where you are not aloud to drift?

What about a speedrun where you can only drive in reverse?

What about a no shortcuts(no nisc or cutting corners)?

What about a 50 CC or 100 CC speedrun?

Certain Items only speedrun?

AB mode(when you hold A and B and do a AB Spin). You actually move forward a little.

Also, PLS don't judge me(not saying you would), I just think it would be interesting.

Blue drift boost only?

How about a no trick run?

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

How do you do the Shy Guy Falls N.I.S.C. on 150CC? I always end up short when I do whatever that thing is to MT yourself to the ramp. Is there a consistent way to do it?

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

No clue, now that I think of sandstorms comment, he's right.

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

I think we all know what RFHA is(Rapid Fire Hop Abuse), we all know that it's impossible to do because you would have to mash certain buttons at 30 presses a second or something like that correct? I don't know if someone already thought of this but, what if you lag your game to 1fps? Would RFHA/Supergrind be possible? Also please don't tease me if this sounds dumb or if someone already thought of this(not saying you would).

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

01: Minimum Presses

02: Intended Flipless

03: Minimum Left Presses

04: Minimum Right Presses

05: Blindfolded

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

This is the form for random funny moto x3m glitches.

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

What about a sum of best for every level in all the moto x3m games.

Sum of best for intended?

Sum of best for flipless?

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

There's CMG(cool math games) and Poki. What about sites.google or something else like that?

Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

If the Mario 602 is a thing, then so can speedrunning every zelda game at once.

Raidengaming tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

8 days left to respond if you have not yet.

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

From hardest to somewhat not hard.

  1. Level 12

  2. Level 13

  3. Level 01

  4. Level 23

  5. Level Covid 19

  6. Level 02 I can't rank the ones after.

Sandstorm187 tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

Woops, I meant safe covid quarantine.

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

To test whether you are an active moderator or not.

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago


Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

You can just say here.

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

If you don't respond to this thread in 1 quarantine(2 weeks), then you are probably an inactive moderator.

Oh_my_gourdness och landus gillar detta
Denver, CO, USATanksalot3 years ago

I don't know if someone already thought about this but; what if there was a speedrun where you 100% beat every Legend Of Zelda game(not including rom hacks/other things similar to rom hacks). Got the idea from the Mario 602 thing.

Om Tanksalot
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