QuébecTM7 years ago

join the sunset riders community discord https://discord.gg/nn2bP

QuébecTM7 years ago


issue resolved :>

QuébecTM7 years ago

I love Flying Dragon but I doubt it would make for a good speedrun. I have considered trying though and perhaps I will look into it sometime soon.

Edit: Holy crap, AlfredoSalza did a run of Rakuga Kids :O

ROMaster2 tycker om detta
tråd: SOS (SNES)
QuébecTM7 years ago

I just had something funny and possibly useful happen and I thought I'd mention it. I was climbing in the room before the conduit section and half my party chose to be dummies. https://s23.postimg.org/uqmsjm53f/dummies.png

^ In this picture you can see Kate going full dummy and climbing past the gather point, and poor Adela blindly following her. Angelica was just about to climb up there too.

https://s28.postimg.org/6xteibfbx/dummies2.png ^ To my surprise, the people who kept climbing were already in the room waiting for me. :0 On this frame you can kinda see that Adela was still in climbing state, appearing from under the floor. Before walking over and placing a gather point, Angelica was just standing, and Kate was jumping repeatedly. All 3 NPCs were superposed in traditional SOS fashion, like when you leave them behind the last transition and return to them.

I should mention that I went through that transition too early and I lost one of the dudes, so there's a chance that was a condition to getting the warp. In that case, this glitch is useless. If not, then maybe this can be figured out and used throughout the run. I really don't have much of a lead as to why the NPCs chose to climb up there and, most importantly, how the warp happened. But it is pretty interesting :>

QuébecTM7 years ago

One thing that hasn't really been mentionned and I thought I would bring up is games that have a very high skill ceiling / rough learning curve. I find there's a tremendous amount of satisfaction in getting good at games that have really deep mechanics relevant to speedrun. Prime example is Super Metroid (no pun intended), where strategies have been consistantly upgraded over the years. Also, in this game, practice can only get you so far until you realise there are a lot of intricaties that aren't necessarily noticeable. Thankfully, there is a large active community and people are welcoming and always happy to discuss the game, which helps not only personal progression but progression of the speedrun itself.

I notice it looks like I'm trying to sell the game itself, but it's mostly just a good example to illustrate my point, being that speedgames with a steep learning curve are extremely rewarding in the end. There are definately a lot of games like this in many different genres, and those genres might require a different skill set. Dr. Mario is similar to Super Metroid in the sense that there is a very high skill ceiling, but very different in that the difficulty is decision making rather than execution.

On the other hand, there is a high possibility that you burnout in such a game. That's when I usually look for an easier game I can just pick up and be decent at in a few months or so. In the end, I always come back to Super Metroid with some kind of renewed motivation or simply a new approach. If you really like the game, and it has a high skill ceiling, you'll find that it's very hard to quit for real. :>

QuébecTM7 years ago

I met SilverViper and he's a pretty busy guy. I hope he's still considering this, I was really looking forward to his runs.

Despatche tycker om detta
QuébecTM7 years ago

I don't think that's an invite link. It didn't mention 'expired link', only opened up discord on my browser.

AquaBlake tycker om detta
QuébecTM7 years ago

Hey everyone,

Now that the event is behind us, we would like to hear from you guys (viewers and participants). What did you guys think ? We are always open to criticism since our wish is to always surpass the previous event, and with your opinions, we can draw a more accurate conclusion and have a better idea of what to work on.

I'll start: One of the bigger problems for the participants was the brightness level on my TV, which was not adjustable and too dark for a few of the games. Using my TV for the stream setup was a backup option, and a poor one at that seeing how we weren't exactly ready for it. To be perfectly honest, I hadn't raised this concern until the marathon had actually begun. We do agree that it could've somehow been possible to swap that TV out before it affected runs on Saturday evening and Sunday, so we feel pretty bad about that. Personally, I'd like to apologize to Dracula013, AceGamerSam and MastaFredz -- I know how hard it is to see in certain segments of the games you guys were running. We will be sure to use a TV that can be adjusted to the runner's liking in future events.

So, go ahead and throw it at us ! We really want to know what you disliked, but also what you liked so maybe we could improve on and emphasize those even more.

Sentez-vous à l'aise de vous exprimer en français aussi ! :>

mastafredz7 och Deln gillar detta
tråd: Hebereke
QuébecTM7 years ago

oh ty for the replies guys haha

What about the text throughout the game ? I'd imagine that there is a difference there. edit: Just by playing through the first few mins, I see there's quite a lot of text differences. Anybody got a clue how much JPN saves over EUR ?

tråd: Hebereke
QuébecTM7 years ago

might aswell spark the debate

best music: JPN version or EUR version?

I started playing on EUR and now JPN sounds like DJ Screw touched it, I'm diggin it :>

tråd: Hebereke
QuébecTM7 years ago

Ty for noting the different Louies. I have no clue how I missed that lmao. Characters do feel like they play the same, but I would like some kinda confirmation before affirming it. As for the music, I figured that was the reason. I wonder, does it affect anything other than music ?

tråd: Hebereke
QuébecTM7 years ago


  • Title screen is objectively less cool
  • Game takes 3 extra seconds to start after you tell it to start >:(
  • Hebe is now called Bop Louie and his sprite is altered
  • Oh-Chan character model is replaced by a lizard named Leeon Freeon
  • Jennifer is now called Gil
  • Bird enemies drop weights instead of doodoo
  • Music is sped up significantly
  • English text changes the amount of textboxes -- faster at times but slightly slower overall

ty everyone for the help :>

tråd: SOS (SNES)
QuébecTM7 years ago

Got a few more things to report

Henry (and the head-engineer) can be skipped, but not the way I expected originally ! Actually it's the same way you can get Kelly to not appear : When the ship is tilted, certain NPCs just aren't there ! In Kelly's case, I'd confirm this is absolutely true. As for Henry, he has spawned one time when the ship was tilted, and I can't quite figure out why. What happened was he fell from the door like normally, but somehow knocked himself out. The fact he spawned caused my party to stop moving and the run was dead because Henry was KO so I couldn't talk to him to get my party back. This game is too good !

So, for example, if you leave Adela's room and the ship is tilted, you can walk down to the room just to the left of where Kelly is supposed to be, wait for the ship to get back to normal, then exit the room. Kelly should be talking to you right as you go through the door.

Knowing Henry can be skipped pretty much meant that Francoise will be left behind for Anna, who's room you already visit to pick Frank up. I also found shortcuts in the Anna dialogue so it's really not that long.

Speaking of which, I haven't looked too much into optimizing the dialogues -- I did try out a few different things in the dialogues I get in this route, but haven't experimented with much outside of it. In other words, the route I'm using could turn out to be bad because I'm seeing too much text, and maybe I'm missing out on some faster points. Again, my main focus is creating a route that is achievable more than just in theory. I'll be revisiting route options shortly once I figure out more about NPC behavior (definately something to prioritize right now).

Also, my estimates were off (again). I was gonna finish a mediocre run in 21:3x, but Frank chose to leap off the ledge in the elevator room ¯_(ツ)_/¯ We can definately do this under 20min.

Btw, If anybody is reading this, thinking ''scattered thoughts and misleading opinions'', then I'm sorry ! haha I'm writing up a guide and will try to publish it sometime soon. I should also mention that this is pretty much my first experience in routing a speedrun, so please feel free to question everything :> ty

tråd: SOS (SNES)
QuébecTM7 years ago

Here are my day 1 observations:

Keeping hold of the crew is really tricky, gotta find a way to keep it tight ! (Although, according to SoreThumb's walkthrough, under '0009 - Secrets?', you can leave your rescue buddies behind and they'll meet you when you enter the boiler room. Did not have time to test this but it's definately gonna be a huge timesave if true.) Mechanics behind how the NPCs follow your lead is enigmatic, I can't quite figure out what makes you lose people exactly. Distance, of course, but there's probably more to it.

Jeffrey seems to be a good character choice. Adela's dialogue with him is very short (great marriage) and you can make it to where you wanna begin from his initial position. The idea of this route is to avoid situations where NPCs can't follow you. I figure it's easier to start high up and work your way down to door 35 :

  • Katherine and Angelica (10pts) dialogue is kinda long but starting the route here is probably not a bad idea.
  • Adela (4pts) she's in the door right below
  • Kelly (3pts) another floor below, to the left. Idk why but this guy spawn only half the time.
  • Frank (3pts) Anna takes a pretty long time to convince, but if Kelly is M.I.A., you're gonna want to get her (+6pts)
  • Francoise (4pts) i'm not certain this is faster than convincing Anna but I'll say it is until I can prove otherwise.
  • Henry (2pts)¤

¤If you can actually leave your partners behind and they join you in the boiler room, that means you may be able to skip the scene with the head-engineer at the entrance of the boiler room. In that case, grabbing Anna is definately faster because you won't have enough points with only Francoise.

This seems like a reasonable route to start with. The NPCs can follow you throughout most of that route without you having to pray for a good pattern. My estimate for a good run with this route would be somewhere around 22min, if you need to guide your rescue partners. If you can leave them behind, this may be achievable in under 15min.

tråd: SOS (SNES)
QuébecTM7 years ago

Awesome :> Sure, I'll put the maps and the other references in the guides section.

tråd: SOS (SNES)
QuébecTM7 years ago

here are your maps : upright - http://www.vgmaps.com/Atlas/SuperNES/SOS-LadyCrithania(Upright).png upside down w/ NPC locations - http://www.vgmaps.com/Atlas/SuperNES/SOS-LadyCrithania(Capsized).png ¤taken from the awesome website that is www.vgmaps.com/atlas/

here are some details about endings (nothing ¤really¤ important) : http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/578932-sos/faqs/43213

this walkthrough has a considerable amount of relevant info : http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/578932-sos/faqs/18159

What you need to know is that, to trigger the best ending, characters need to have amassed 25 points for rescues which include certain key characters to their own storylines.

Capris Wisher : Bring Amy and at least 25 points of passengers. Redwin Gardner : Exit with Harry, Jack, Stella, and at least 25 points of passengers. Jeffrey Howell : Leave with Adela and at least 25 points of passengers. Luke Heinz : Leave with Captain Townsend and at least 25 points of passengers.

here's a points table taken from the walkthrough : ''LIST SORTED BY MOST POINTS TO LEAST:

· Marie/Mary Maxwell - Child - Anyone - 8 PTS

· Katherine Clayton - Best Friend - Anyone - 6 PTS · Katherine Meibrus - Dancer - Anyone - 6 PTS · Anna Tamaro - Nurse - Anyone - 6 PTS

· Jack Hamilton - Nephew/Kid - Anyone - 5 PTS · Luke Heinz - Player Char. - Anyone - 5 PTS · Jeffery Howell - Player Char. - Luke & Redwin - 5 PTS · Amy Markarson - Sister - Capris - 5 or 4 PTS

· Stella Adams - Girl - Redwin - (Harry + Stella = 8 prolly) 4 PTS · Harry Adams - Boy - Redwin - (Harry + Stella = 8, Prolly) 4 PTS · Adela Howell - Wife - Anyone - 4 PTS · Francoise Maxwell - Mom - Anyone - 4 PTS · Stacy Smith - Daughter - Anyone - 4 PTS · Pamela Smith - Mother - Anyone - 4 PTS · Angelica Snow - Barber - Anyone - 4 PTS

· Michael Burnings - Violinist - Anyone - 3 PTS · Frank Coney - Guy - Anyone - 3 PTS · Richard Cunningham - Caterer - Anyone - 3 PTS · Alan Gebres - Crewman - All - 3 PTS · Tender Johnston - Gambler - Redwin or Jeffery - 3 PTS · Kelly Nelson - Friend - Jeffrey - 3 PTS · Miller Strisers - Panicking Parent - All but Capris - 3 PTS

· Henry Abrahams - Engineer - Redwin & Jeffery w/ 3 Survivors - 2 PTS · Jimmy Akers - Crewman - Anyone - 2 PTS · Sargeant John Rattler - Bad Comic - Capris - 2 PTS · Cooper Smith - Father - Anyone - 2 PTS (Surprised? ;) · Ismay Carl Townsend - "Captain" - Luke - 2 PTS

---- Total PTS found, then: 100 (assuming max from Amy)''

At this point, with little-to-no thought about routing this category, any of the characters could be a viable pick... although, I really hope Redwin's route isn't the fastest because the room Jack is in fkn sucks! You can get stuck in that room for a very long time.

Another interesting thing to point out: You'll notice that some of the rescues aren't available until 33 minutes (IGT) into the game. I estimate the run itself will take under 27min to reach the boiler room, so there's a rather large possibility that death abuse will be useful.

If I had to make a WILD assumption here, I'd say randomness will be extremely painful (probably also hilarious) to deal with. There will probably be a lot of on-the-fly adaptation required, and I wouldn't be surprised if the fastest route depended entirely on what patterns the game gives us. NPC behavior could also cause problems.

I'll be posting here some more as we come up with route ideas and strategies.

QuébecTM8 years ago

I wish I could join myself, but I'll be sure to s p r e a d t h e w o r d

JeedUnit tycker om detta
QuébecTM8 years ago

Oh cool, another awesome multi-game race I can't join ;_; hope y'all'll have fun witit!

Also, sorry about not joining the last one. I really wanted to but got caught up with life.

QuébecTM8 years ago

johncarls, to answer your question, JeedUnit recently convinced a bunch of his buddies (Dracula, me and like 5 or 6 other people) to pick this game up. So, yeah, game's been getting more attention, and that's also why you may have noticed a few more canadian flags on the leaderboards. :>

I kinda like the idea for the 3 laps format. It might be a decent way to even out RNG. I can't really think of a better way to go about it for that matter. Also, if my vote counts, I'd say resetting after fadeout (when cutscene starts) makes more sense.

QuébecTM9 years ago

So, you can tell I'm overly excited because I did this thing https://goo.gl/JAtglF so people can compare times in preparation for the race. Feel free to update with your personal records.

Rasmus_1990 tycker om detta
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