we still need the fix of leaderboard themself. more variables should be shown again if they are kept short and subcategories and categories all listed. misc was always a option for a dropdown menu in categories and subcategories! (which is supirior in every way to side scrolling)
The HOI4 board heavily relies on those features. instead of a main subcategory some secondary shown ones and a misc dropdown we have a dropdown for everything. Also we have important information in our variables which cant be seen anymore besides being kept short to fit into the old layout with much space.
Also i wouldnt do a "blackout" like other communities do. i would do a softnuke because not verifying only hurts moderators and runners, but the thing is this update already did a softnuke to the board.
Edit: i didnt think much when asking for reduction to people with verified run in the game. but reduction to verified run in the series would be a great addition.
Firstly comments should have been at least temporarly removed, until you got all settings and things working. I dont mind comments, as long as i can get notifications on all of them from the leaderboard and the option to disable them and if it is just to turn it on for a week to block trolls. Also restrikting comments to actual runners (people with one verified run) would be great. I wont moderate comments at all until i have those tools. Also Comments should be wiped once all tools are finished.
Followed game statistic should be opt in. no debate! Game moderated statistics shouldnt be shown exept like before a list of moderated games. Maybe replace "run games" with featured games where people can pick up to 5 games to list. Its a way more demanded feature anyways which allows to show what you are actually proud of.
why add pronouns if notification disrespect them anyways?
flair > pronouns
So things i personally bothered me once i clicked through the new site:
My leaderboards are broke, not really but my fine tuned layout went to shit:
- Categories and Subcategories should be all shown like before, people are able to put them in Misc. to add a dropdown. I used this frequently.
- there is less space for variables, in paradox speedrunning we additionally sort by ingame date where we use variables to show it because the ingame date measures years. Please make it larger again, i see there is space even without removing space for precios ads.
- Custom named timing/sorting methods would alternatively be great
- Website Names should be a thing again, we used it for a shared subreddit to post WR and runs to for the whole series.
- Now that it is shown like with profiles you might as well add all social media options.
To my profiles i could complain about everything but i just list a alternative: Instead of showing followed games, moderated games, run games. Just add featured games people can opt into. You should be able to opt into statistics maybe: none - anonymised (just show total) - featured Also Bio should at least understand "Enter" you can get a second line with enough characters but i like minimal formating, and a bio doesnt replace a flair, give us like 40 characters to put in the forum where pronouns are currently. Also thinking about bio, a bio or describtion for games would be great!
And Comments... Yeah Comments. I hope you have a basic filter in place because I wont bother to moderate that mess. Or the option to opt out even if i like comments in theory, but generally runs are uploaded to youtube there is also a comment section. Restict comments to people with verified runs (like guides) thats at least minimal effort probably. Runners should be able to remove all comments besided moderator ones. And opt out on it personally. Leave comments at least for the runner and moderators.
bio and pronouns in the forum? isnt that a bit cluttered? i just want a 60 letter box or so for everything. or we might as well start having signatures to open up the forum to spam.
also still relevant, seriosly one day no reply whats wrong with us?
@female i think you misunderstood
The addition of custom flair is essential for the personal expression of the users. It still gives people the option to set pronouns but allows everyone to give a short info about themself. this makes the forum more personal and is a more effective way of doing it than widespread signatures.
Also just replace the full forum with a modern one. with build in keys for quotes etc. And add Forum moderation. thank you.
Also this is extremly relevant (we should seriosly start also quoting reasoning)
and if anyone ask why i dont formate my forum posts, i wont learn it and i wont do it until we get the tools to make it convinient.
its not even a "new" feature, pronouns were originally a blank field its just going back and renaming it to custom flair.