ask the mods of the Screwball Scramble leaderboard about it, since usually irl versions of speedruns are categories within that leaderboard
yeah honestly id do it. 2 or more could just be one category since having three would potentially make it harder lol
on a separate note, can a mod specify in the rules that only one oven can be used at a time? i feel like someones gonna be that person that owns 2 ovens for some reason and break the category. maybe even a cookie-per-oven rule, like max 25 cookies in the oven at a time
Oh that is incredible :0
I don’t think we’ll need to separate touchscreen and button controller though, I’ll probably keep them combined for simplicity
ooo yeah and theres a specific design we have to make, something stupid
we live in a society
wait was this run done on iOS or no? i dont see the battery icon thats on all your other runs
i’d call it “quinfecta” like the splatoon leaderboard does it, but yeah someone would do it someday lmao
yeah what if all the games with irl categories were in that series? or maybe move all the irl categories to a new leaderboard called “IRL category extensions” or smth