Ohio, USASpaztikNinja2 years ago

Infinite Flag Glitch is a glitch used on Capture The Flag that when preformed will score a CTF Point every frame until the cap limit has been reached. The flag Capture animation and sounds continue to build however; until the stat screen appears. This, coupled with how sudden it appears needs a VERY strong Flash and Sound warning. It also puts a lot of stress on the console it seems.


The objective is to get an enemy to steal YOUR flag and bring it back to THEIR base. Then to get that enemy to drop the flag they are holding on your head; while you are standing on the enemy's flag pedestal; while you are holding their flag. If done correctly all points will be scored in a matter of frames.

                              The Setup

First things first you need the enemy team to steal your flag. If its a level that has you playing with a teammate you will need to put him somewhere he cannot defend your flag. You can accomplish this by using team commands with the D-pad and use the ''hold here'' command to put him in a corner somewhere away from the flag. You are now waiting for the enemy to steal your flag and return to their base, this time can be used to pick up U-damage and/or ammo/adrenaline.

                         A.I. BEHAVIOR

The A.I. generally will take the same path home, not always but mostly. Luckily a lot of maps are built pretty vertical in UC2 and some of these paths have the enemy drop down onto the flag from a higher platform in order to score. (Ex. Tomb of the Emperor, Chemical Dawn) The bot will not jump down from the platform if you pick up the flag early so just wait in the enemy's base and defend yourself from dying. Until you see the flag carrier jump off of one of these higher platforms.

                        THE FLAG DROP

In the moments after the flag carrier has jumped off a higher ledge you can now step onto the flag pedestal and take the enemy flag. The enemy will not change course during this time and, if you stay in the center of the pedestal, will land directly on your head. (There's a sound and visual que when they land on top of you.) Kill the flag carrier in this moment and the flag they are holding will drop straight down onto your head. U-damage energy burst or flak cannon is what I have used to kill. Anything that will oneshot I assume would work.

                      THE AFTERMATH

If done correctly, flag lands on top of you. You will start scoring a point every frame and the game quite literally explodes with particle effects and overlapping sound effects. Very intense, cannot stress that enough. It's faster than several trips back and forth though and looks pretty epic. I have no idea why any of this works.

cyborg tycker om detta
Ohio, USASpaztikNinja3 years ago

Hey, anyone active? I plan on running this a lot more and wanted to know when official start and stop times are for full game runs and single levels. Please and thanks

Om SpaztikNinja
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