To address complaints, I've turned rounder-timer combination into a sub-category. While this looks redundant when you can already sort by timer and rounds, it'll hopefully encourage people to run the default settings of 3 rounds, 99 seconds, which people have expressed much more interest in running along with No Instant Kills.
To address complaints, I've turned rounder-timer combination into a sub-category. While this looks redundant when you can already sort by timer and rounds, it'll hopefully encourage people to run the default settings of 3 rounds, 99 seconds, which people have expressed much more interest in running along with No Instant Kills.
To address complaints, I've turned rounder-timer combination into a sub-category. While this looks redundant when you can already sort by timer and rounds, it'll hopefully encourage people to run the default settings of 3 rounds, 99 seconds, which people have expressed much more interest in running along with No Instant Kills.
To address complaints, I've turned rounder-timer combination into a sub-category. While this looks redundant when you can already sort by timer and rounds, it'll hopefully encourage people to run the default settings of 3 rounds, 99 seconds, which people have expressed much more interest in running along with No Instant Kills.
To address complaints, I've turned rounder-timer combination into a sub-category. While this looks redundant when you can already sort by timer and rounds, it'll hopefully encourage people to run the default settings of 3 rounds, 99 seconds, which people have expressed much more interest in running along with No Instant Kills.
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
A group of fighting game speedrunners have created a Discord for the genre. I've never seen enough demand for a Guilty Gear speedrunning Discord, so if you'd like to join this, here's the link!
I hadn't considered the fact that Instant Kills have a totally different end screen when setting the timing standards, and it's unfortunately led to a lot of ambiguity and inconsistency. While I think the fairest way to start timing runs in light of this would be to stop the timer at the screen transition after beating Justice and Baiken, the current set of runs didn't mash through the score screen since that was never the standard. Dismissing the score cord animation after the fight is technically the last input, so I've decided to time up to when the score card appears after the fight(s).
If anyone has another opinion on this, I'm more than willing to hear it. But to me, this seems like the most sensible thing.
Hi! I had a question about the rules for settings in Arcade Mode runs. There's no indication in the listed rules that there's any standard to follow, but most of the runs have it set to the default 99 second timer, and 2/3 rounds for solo matches. There'd be some time to be saved by changing those settings, so I figured if all the best times were doing it, then maybe it was an unlisted rule. But one of the runs actually does have the timer set to 30. So I'm confused, and I'd like to get clarification before considering attempting a run, myself. Thanks to anyone who can shine some light on this for me!