United KingdomShriyaDarkGod1 year ago

I think Amiibo should be allowed for damageless catergories. This is primarily because damageless catergories aim to get number of shines as oppose to the fastest time. Furthermore, an issue with amiibo and non-amiibo catergories together is that amiibo runners are at an advantage. However, amiibo runners in this situation would be at a disadvantage as they would be in fury mode for longer periods of time. Therefore amiibo can be used as a convenience as oppose to giving an advantage.

United KingdomShriyaDarkGod1 year ago

As stated in the title, I have noticed a problem regarding the rules of bowser amiibo. The problem lies in the clause: 'Runs in the amiibo categories must forcibly use amiibo'.

The problem with this rule lies in the adverb, 'forcibly'. The problem with this, is that it creates a generic rule that can be interpreted by the moderators. This can lead to 2 similar runs, where one is rejected and one is accepted - as 2 different moderators interpret this rule in 2 different ways.

Furthermore, what classifies as 'forcibly'. One interpretation could involve skipping furies using the bowser amiibo - this is a more extreme example. The problem arises for new runners. New runners with presumably little knowledge of the game would be unaware of this strategy, and therefore wouldn't understand why their runs are being rejected. This idea is further weakened as some CE's are unable to meet this requirement - Loaded% would be a great example of this. Loaded% only occurs during 1 fury and therefore would not be able to be used to skip furies. Furthermore, the excess lag produced when bowser appears means you lose more time the longer you spend when bowser appeared. And this is ignoring the fact that you can't resummon bowser without collecting a shine. To sum up, loaded% could not 'forcibly' use the bowser amiibo, so its makes the category impossible.

Another interpretation lies with using BA as soon as your reach the number of shines, this is a problem yet again for new runners. New runners be slower than experienced, therefore they are more likely to not have enough shines or barely get enough shines. This is most prominent with Fury 4 due to its large 20 shine gap + large choice of shines, this combination leads to an unoptimized route where beginner runners will often be at 41 if not 40 shines leaving fury 4. So suppose a scenario where a runner gets the 40th shine while it rains in a BA catergory. They used the amiiibo to get into the bell earlier instead of waiting for earlier furies, however never skipped any furies as they are new to running fury. Therefore prior to fury 4, they have used the BA 3 times - once to enter the bell. Therefore in this scenario the runner would not use the amiibo as it is raining and thereofre would not be 'forcibly' using amiibo - therefore the run should be rejected. This would be a problem and can deter runners if they know there run will get rejected simply on the basis of being two slow.


In conclusion there generic rule creates problem, this is due to a range of interpretations from different moderators which can create discrepancy in the moderation process. Furthermore, this rule will deter new runners who want to try amiibo and finally such a rule could not work for CE's that deal with 1 fury, such as loaded% and 19 shines. Henceforth, I think that this rule should be removed and replaced with 'Runs in the amiibo categories must use the amiibo at least once'

United KingdomShriyaDarkGod1 year ago

Every bowsers fury catergory contains a no amiibo and a bowser amiibo board. But not for gull% and brigade%, I think it is absolute madness that there is no gull% and brigade% BA boards.

For gull%, you spend all your blood sweat and tears for the first five shines, and then you wait? This ruins the pacing of the run, and it gets the runner more worried about the fury fight, and the goop jump to the gull island.

For brigade%, i have literally no idea why you want to use a bowser amiibo, but the essence of not having a BA board will make it seem special, when it isnt. Furthermore, for those who claim that the board will be empty, remember, this is bf, this is a ce, and this is a ba catergory, so we should realistically expect ahout 1 run per year.

Thank you for reading this, and i hope the mod team wilo carefully consider thia.


Seagull, SpeedIn, och Oh_my_gourdness gillar detta
United KingdomShriyaDarkGod2 years ago

Its long overdue, but I think that 3D Land% should get the axe, this catergory is just any% + a couple of levels, it has been decided by numerous runners that this catergory is the worst + only 2 people have submitted a run to it. Should we remove 3D Land%

Oh_my_gourdness och AriaSR gillar detta
United KingdomShriyaDarkGod3 years ago

The goal would be to get as many stars and shine without taking damage, similar to the SMOCE. Switching between games mid-way through a run should be allowed. The timer starts depending on which game you play first (character select on 3DW or black fadeout in Bowser's Fury and ends when you either take damage or die. This, like SMO, would be more of an endurance challenge therefore the time would be displayed based on the combined total of stars and shines you get. For example, grabbing 72 shines in Bowsers Fury and 100 stars in 3dw would give you a time of 172hr 00m 00s.

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Om ShriyaDarkGod
Im bad at videogames. Random transgal that loves torchic.
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