United StatesSeahawkTys2 years ago

I went back and verified all of the runs that were rejected for this reason.

CloudsAteMe, Encripted och 3 andra gillar detta
United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

I find that most of my run killers are at the first 5 levels because I try to optimize them too much. Also, 27 and 29 ruined a deathless all levels run I had a few days ago.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

Some of these runs are timed wrong so, next time I get on my PC (about once every 3 days) is when i will verify runs.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

From what i have seen, you need to have a video of the full run for it to be valid.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

No, i think vemix claimed once that he was on pace with donuts until he died... i hate how nobody can except that donuts is skilled and has wr. He wouldn’t stage a run that would win by that margin. Actually, he wouldn’t stage at all. He’s the most popular roblox youtuber on YouTube because of his skill level and not of his staging runs. Edit again: if you guys are complaining about his portals, he had a lot of those good portals spread throughout his stream. He would have to edit 2 hours worth of footage and that is unlikely. Same with the timer. It would be faster to just get wr. It would also be fishy if he played a video everytime but I think he was also in his private server at the time with someone else.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

No, I can for sure tell that this is a real run. 1, it was done on stream. 2, tas isnt possible on roblox. 3, donuts is really skilled. 4, timer in the top right is really buggy, sometimes it’s too fast and other times its too slow, hence why we use actual timers... Edit: 5. Donuts wanted everything perfect. He had such good portals because he reset every time he had a bad one. He had such a good time becuase he spent 2 hours trying to get it along with his months of experience.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

That would be pretty cool but might take a bit of coding, once the game gets more publicity, ill see what i can do.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

Thanks for the apology. I noticed that you said that it’s hard to PB so as an iOS runner myself, i’ll give you a few protips:

  1. Set camera mode to Classic in settings before every run.
  2. Jump as you go up slopes.
  3. Watch some speedruns to see all of the skips and how to do them. i’m glad that you owned up to what you did rather than denying you did splice.
HydroooV2 och Zooms gillar detta
United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

ROBLOX can’t be played on a PS4.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

I get this sometimes but only after I die on a level. I’m not sure there is any way to prevent this other than not dying.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

Someone claimed that you cut out failed levels and reinserted you succeeding the level which is against the rules. After reviewing it, someone caught an obvious spot that you cut footage.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

It is, with the new skip found by vemix and roblox.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago
  1. Fireman changed his username in roblox
  2. Fireman wanted to change his speedrun.com name to his new roblox name
  3. When changing his speedrun.com name he accidentally hit space bar
  4. Fireman accidentally pressed enter resulting in his name being a space bar
  5. He created a new account called iiAlexocxii because he has to wait 60 days to change his username in his other account.
United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

No, fireman is my friend and when I saw this I asked him about it. He said he was gonna change his name to iiAlexocxii (that’s his new roblox name) but he accidentally hit the spacebar then enter, so he left that account and made a new account because he said that run doesn’t matter to him. TL;DR fireman accidentally changed his name by hitting spacebar and enter.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

Yeah, im gonna have to find a way to fix these rules (I fucced em up)

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

The reason there was no submit button was because blaby didnt plan on the game being accepted to this website so when he did he passed mod to me because he doesn’t want to mod the game, so after i became mod i added the option to submit into the game.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

Yeah, i rejected it the first time because i didn’t know it was from a stream, so my bad on my part.

United StatesSeahawkTys7 years ago

It’s where you take a two different clips and compile them together so that it shows the best of a speedrunner. This is not accepted in this game nor is it in any other speedrunning game, which is why audio is needed in runs because many runners get caught splicing when audio is revealed because the audio transitions in places where it shouldn’t.

Om SeahawkTys
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