speedrun: Super Mr. Krabs
Ohio, USAScrimsion3 months ago

overall control of krab!

Simplistic6502 tycker om detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion1 year ago
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort
Ohio, USAScrimsion1 year ago

As long as you have access to the pellsson rom, this is the easiest 8-3 fpg setup that we have.

Ohio, USAScrimsion1 year ago

Clipping in the bottom is slower that clipping in the middle. It can still get the blazit framerule but it's a lot harder

Ohio, USAScrimsion1 year ago

Not a stupid question! It's called 1-2G because it's named after speedrunner AndrewG. He was the first person to pull the trick off full level.

Ohio, USAScrimsion1 year ago

From what i'm seeing, you jumped too high for the dismount off of yoshi. You need to collect the coin before yoshi eats it so the item swap can happen. Also, don't forget to hold the L and R shoulder buttons while doing this. BTW, I'm not the most experienced smw runner so if anyone else sees anything, feel free to add to my words

StickeredNolmy tycker om detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion2 years ago

well yeah it doesn't work on pellsson I was talking about the vanilla game. But I guess if you want to practice aisson on pellsson (which might have been your original question and I misunderstood) then yeah use that other code. Good luck with your runs! :)

Ohio, USAScrimsion2 years ago

So I got good news and bad news.... Kappa

The bad news is that no, you're not allowed to use the practice rom for AISSON runs. The good news is that I had this same problem when I tried running AISSON on nestopia (I speedrun on emulator) and I found that the code AIISON works instead! So just double i instead of double s. Hopefully that helps!

Potapoo12 och LDAMAN gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

no that would not be allowed

nm41 tycker om detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

I spliced all my best level segments together in this demonstration. There are other time saves i could add in, but this is good for now imo

Tecate, mruns, och hitzcritz gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

Make sure you're not clipping through the top of the flagpole as that will lose a framerule

Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

One thing to note is that for nestopia the code is actually AIISON. I really don't know why.

Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

In the past 5 months there have also been several wrs in smb2j

KilleDragon tycker om detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

Like periwinkle said, I would highly suggest doing your runs with a fire flower. It makes world 8 much easier and safer as you can take a hit and not die. 8-3 especially is made easier as you can just shoot the bros out of the way.

eliteraven82 och arthrogamer gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

the 8-2 framerule has been saved by i think 7 people and the 8-1 framerule by over twenty. However, to achieve the time you mentioned, people are going to do a faster 8-4 instead of doing one of those hard tricks in a run.

totol och KilleDragon gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

@KilleDragon the point of an NES emulator is to in fact, "emulate" an NES as accurately as possible. The emulators that are accepted on this site are ones that are very close to performance on console.

Pear, TheSecondTry och 11 andra gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

@KilleDragon posting roms is illegal. That is a good way to get banned.

mruns, KilleDragon och 3 andra gillar detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

Could you send a video of your gameplay? It might help me discern what exactly is happening.

KilleDragon tycker om detta
Ohio, USAScrimsion4 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that too! The default region for fceux is ntsc and if you use a European rom, it'll have the sped up music that you're describing. There should be a setting to change it under a tab called "region".

KilleDragon tycker om detta
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