ColombiaSBells274 years ago

also, if you want to learn how to break your microphone without touching it, here u go:

p.s. I love you all

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Here's an update: (A lot of my opinions have immensely changed) These are still ranked building speaking and not conceptually, alright here we go:

  1. I wonder what these do
  2. You've Probably Made This
  3. Lighthouse
  4. Heal It Up
  5. Sparkling Shine
  6. Farmen Dan
  7. Have Fun!
  8. Yeehaw!
  9. Saving Obsidian
  10. Gwen's Son
  11. Inside the Dungeon
  12. Refuge
  13. Wheaaaaat
  14. Sandy's Castle
  15. Pride
  16. Kartoshka
  17. Live Performance
  18. I Hope It's Friendly
  19. Sugarcane
  20. Slime Cycles
  21. It's Snowing
  22. Plumber's Pipe
  23. The Lab
  24. Power is Knowledge
  25. Warp Pod
  26. First Aid... or Japan?
  27. Drip Too Hard
  28. Down by the Banks
  29. Spruce Swing
  30. Red Rainbow
  31. GoG Alert
  32. Open Seasme
  33. Double Tall Grass
  34. Don't Push It Over
  35. Play Me
  36. Ancient Chest Opening
  37. Just a Big Brown Mushroom
  38. Bringing Back The Hub Tree
  39. Lava Run
  40. Companion Square
  41. Minecraft
  42. Celebration!
  43. Holy Emerald
  44. Modern Bathroom
  45. Awful
  46. Time to Jump
  47. Iron Door
  48. Old Chest Opening
  49. Disco
  50. Weird Boxed End Mob
  51. Hola Senor
  52. Here, take the light!
  53. Tesseract
  54. Watch the Vines!
  55. The Real Skyblock
  56. Friendly Ghost
  57. Timber Preposition
  58. Mickey's D
  59. Stranded
  60. duckie
  61. Birth of Douglas
  62. Fred the Fox
  63. Omega Chest Opening
  64. THUNDAA!
  65. Swiss Flag
  66. Magic Diamonds
  67. Lime Lockdown
  68. Kyoto
  69. Big Larry
  70. You Tried
  71. Small Furnace
  72. Game Portal
  73. Balance
  74. Subway
  75. KO!
  76. Ancient Stoneworks
  77. Gotta Go Fast
  78. Flippers
  79. It's Basically Cakewars
  80. Polish Flag
  81. X Marks the Spot
  82. Top Hat
  83. Nigerian Flag
  84. Pronto! Pronto!
  85. Kermit
  86. Sticky Situation
  87. Am I Fire?
  88. Peaceful Pond
  89. Sandy's Treesome
  90. MUCH LOVE!
  91. Sadman
  92. 1800s Lottery
  93. Cuddly Panda
  94. Wildfire
  95. Unamused Magma Cube
  96. Even More Tempting
  97. 15 Love
  98. Mini Bomb Lobbers
  99. Gotcha Fish!
  100. Sweet Victory
  101. Discord
  102. Daylight Sensor
  103. MOB Party!
  104. Cake Defense
  105. Old-Fashioned Hallway
  106. Boing!
  107. Remember This?
  108. Big Boy Sword
  109. Marshland Hut
Uliss tycker om detta
ColombiaSBells275 years ago

I highly agree with you. It is not normal for someone to get this good at 26 wins and I feel like this person should reveal himself/herself if he/she has something to hide.

I'm not good at detecting auto click, but if someone is, please do us the favor. It isn't a pretty mystery at all.

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

These are mostly ranked on building experience and less on the build concept. Also, this is my personal opinion so I'll be completely surprised if you agreed on everything.

  1. Sticky Sitation
  2. 15 Love
  3. THUNDAA!!
  4. Slime Cycles
  5. Sandy's Treesome
  6. Timber Preposition
  7. Lighthouse
  8. Wheaaaaat
  9. I wonder what these do...
  10. Small Furnace
  11. Fred The Fox
  12. Down By The Banks
  13. Red Rainbow
  14. Gwen's Son
  15. Power Is Knowledge
  16. Sparkling Shine
  17. Swiss Flag
  18. Kermit
  19. Old Chest Opening
  20. Heal It Up!
  21. Farmer Dan
  22. Warp Rod
  23. duckie
  24. Disco!
  25. Sandy Castle
  26. Boing!
  27. Mickey's D
  28. Cuddly Panda
  29. Flippers
  30. Pride
  31. Kyoto
  32. It's Snowing!
  33. Lime Lockdown
  34. Gotcha, Fish!
  35. Refuge
  36. Live Performance
  37. Modern Bathroom
  38. Holy Emerald!
  39. Just a Big, Brown, Mushroom!
  40. First Aid... Or Japan?
  41. Hola Senor
  42. MOB PARTY!
  43. The Lab
  44. GoG Alert
  45. Iron Door
  46. Nigerian Flag
  47. Birth of Douglas
  48. Ancient Chest Opening
  49. Yeehaw
  50. Saving Obsidian
  51. Friendly Ghost
  52. You Tried
  53. Weird Boxed End Mob...
  54. Stranded
  55. Play Me
  56. Big Larry
  57. I Hope It's Friendly!
  58. Sweet Victory
  59. Am i fire?
  60. 1800s Lottery
  61. Kartoshka
  62. Drip Too Hard
  63. Discord
  64. Sadman
  65. X Marks the Spot
  66. Unamused Magma Cube
  67. Plumber's Pipe
  68. KO!
  69. Minecraft
  70. Polish Flag
  71. Have Fun!
  72. Gotta Go Fast!
  73. Celebration!
  74. Don't Push It Over
  75. Inside the Dungeon
  76. Double Tall Grass
  77. Tesseract
  78. Awful
  79. Balance
  80. Cake Defense
  81. Subway
  82. Remember This?
  83. Game Portal
  84. Spruce Swing
  85. Ancient Stoneworks
  86. Omega Chest Opening
  87. Old-Fashioned Hallway
  88. MUCH LOVE!
  89. Sugarcane
  90. Top Hat
  91. Lava Run
  92. Peaceful Pond
  93. Time to Jump!
  94. You've Probably Made This
  95. Wildfire
  96. Even More Tempting
  97. Bringing Back the Hub Tree
  98. Open Sesame
  99. Daylight Sensor
  100. Here, take the light
  101. It's Basically Cakewars
  102. Magic Diamonds
  103. Big Boy Sword
  104. Mini Bomb Lobbers
  105. Marshland Hut
  106. Companion Square
  107. Watch the Vines!
ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Heyyy! Does anyone has like... screenshots to all of the spring builds that have dissapeared since april 2017? Y'know builds like Pool Day or Spring Cleaning? Anyone?

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Besides, the problem with Mineplex keeping people's high scores is that some hackers have appeared during the game's history.

Dolphin och Bloon gillar detta
ColombiaSBells275 years ago


Here's an update

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Hello everyone, I figured out that considering the spring builds don't exist anymore, I basically decided to delete them. I thought it wouldn't be all that fair for someone to have a wr for forever just because it stopped existing. For anyone who I bothered, I apologize.

However, I decided to achieve all of the screenshot wrs in a dropbox folder for the sake of history if people want to see what builds were added and then removed. Here is the link:


ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Hey everyone! I made this mainly for fun. If anyone's curious, here you go:


I might update this every once in a while

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

Player needs to be tested in skill in order to confirm if the player was genuinely getting 14.4 or if he was hacking

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

I apologize for not advertising this earlier.

Zompe, Andreylol337_, duckle, and FuriousFire201 runs I won't remove considering I trust on them and it was severely my fault for not letting some know about it. But ANY player who uploads a glitched run without the glitch indication in the screenshot will be rejected from now on.

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

As you have probally noticed, glitched runs (oak and nether fence, bookshelf glitched) runs are now added. However, some rules need to be taken into account when uploading a run. In the screenshot (the chat during game), it has to be mentioned that the run is indeed a glitched one. It's an important rule because someone can upload a run with an old screenshot, and it wouldn't be valid evidence.

If you want any examples, check out the Weeeee! and Villager Beach glitched wrs. In those screenshots, it's indicated that the runs are glitched wrs.

ColombiaSBells275 years ago

It's been a really long time since I updated this, to the point where I'm getting a lot of nostalgia revisiting the old posts xD

Anyway, just wanted to make a silly update, since so much has happened. There will also be a rating from 0 to 10 to each of these from my personal opinion.


  1. Stairs of Obsidian - 1,5 - 7/10
  2. Frosty and Friends - 1,6 - 0/10
  3. Bricked Out - 1,7 - 7/10


  1. Nether Star - 2,3 - 4/10
  2. Legend of the Mooshroom - 2,3 - 10/10
  3. Fortress Fun - 2,3 - 7/10
  4. Logging Operation - 2,3 - 6/10
  5. PEW PEW PEW - 2,4 - 3/10
  6. Build With A Twist - 2,5 - 10/10
  7. Homeward Enderman - 2,7 - 6/10
  8. Why is the wool floating? - 2,7 - 2/10
  9. Normal Rainbow - 2,7 - 7/10
  10. To rainbow or not to rainbow - 2,7 - 5/10
  11. Egg Hunt - 2,8 - 5/10


  1. Stalagmite or Stalactite - 3,2 - 4/10
  2. Cooking Mama - 3,2 - 8/10
  3. Don't slip on the peel! - 3,2 - 5/10
  4. Right Triangle - 3,3 - 7/10
  5. Grandma makes the best cookies - 3,3 - 4/10
  6. Moooo - 3,3 - 8/10
  7. Tom Without Jerry - 3,4 - 8/10
  8. Shrine of Death - 3,4 - 6/10
  9. Kitchen Sink - 3,5 - 8/10
  10. Draw My Face - 3,5 - 5/10
  11. Cow Chicken Cow - 3,5 - 5/10
  12. Mini Super Paintball - 3,5 - 9/10
  13. RIPPERINO - 3,6 - 7/10
  14. Ow, my eyes - 3,6 - 5/10
  15. Pretty Colors - 3,6 - 6/10
  16. Watermelon Watermelon Watermelon - 3,7 - 3/10
  17. Community Garden - 3,7 - 6/10
  18. Hungry Horse - 3,8 - 6/10
  19. Bunny Central - 3,8 - 8/10 (R.I.P build)
  20. Sam and Bob - 3,8 - 6/10
duckle tycker om detta
ColombiaSBells276 years ago

The first link looks definitely promising and the videos from the second link look helpful too. I'm attempting to try all of these plugins and features this night. The server might become a reality :D

ColombiaSBells276 years ago

Hello everyone. I had recently plans on opening a new SB server to implement the gameplay of the game and include more features (builds, maps, even maybe minigames, etc) to the server. I saw that so many players (including myself) thought the game was getting more stale and bland due to the lack of additions and features to SB since it's release date, for that case I wanted to open a new server that focused mainly on SB.

The server it's currently in development. People who have been trusted (I don't think I have to tell, pretty selfexplainatory, hard to explain) can join but I won't give away the ip to prevent any untrusted/random strangers to join during the server's development. What I need is someone who's able to set a game timer in the server. I consider myself not proffesional with that, so that's why I need someone. It would be very helpful!

notmqster och FerXD00 gillar detta
ColombiaSBells276 years ago

Welcome to WatchMojo.com and today we are counting our picks to the Top 10 Most Useless Speed Builders Forums

ColombiaSBells276 years ago

.... are you sure this is the right place to comment that?

Om SBells27
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