I had completely forgotten that you can't load or save when you Replay Level. Sorry, my mistake.
"And they sure as fuck shouldn't be sharing a spot with single segments." Yeah, they shouldn't, since they are both harder to accomplish and faster, like a speedrun should be.
I fail to see why using "Replay Level" makes any difference to the run. Doesn't my method and yours give exactly the same result?
This asinine fetish with unsegmented runs is an unfortunate result of the live-streaming of speedruns. Unsegmented runs preserve a run's continuity. But it does so at the the expense of speed. The point of a speedrun is to play the game as quickly as you can. That is why they are called speedruns. If running a game the quickest way possible requires segmenting, then it should be segmented. It took me over a month to get that second segment to be good enough. Many of you have tried it, and failed. None of you use my route in an unsegmented run because it is too unreliable. But until IBJ was discovered, it was always the fastest route. Punishing a runner simply because he or she segmented a run is perverse. You are warping the very meaning of the idea of a speedrun if you insist on not allowing segmented runs.
Those weren't the rules when I ran it. If you are going to make these rules retroactive, you will have to delete a lot more than my run.
Was cleaning up the leaderboards also meant to remove all segmented runs? I got a notice that my Qualopec run was "rejected" (even though it has been up there for years). The reason given: Segmented run.
Yeah, I can understand your frustration. But it's like when Riku found Airwalk. Everything changed after that. You just have to deal with it. Or not. The choice is yours.
I agree with Taeruhs. BJ as the default on ILs and when we get a full run with BJ, make it the default Any% run with no separate BJ/no BJ category.
The glitcless rule set we discussed extensively on Tomb Runner and my only disagreement was delayed swandive and the "stepping on nonsolid surfaces", which, to me, seems too vague. But if you want to do a more conservative glitchless run, I don't think anybody would have a problem.
What happened to the glitched/glitchless distinction? It doesn't even seem to be a variable now.