Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan19 days ago

Wondering if we might be able to have level categories for this page - usually make games more accessible to new runners and they'll hopefully provide a new competitive dimension to the game ;) Plus, with the right configuration and luck we could see levels fall in less than 10 seconds, could allow new strategies to be better documented rather than lost in failed full-game runs etc..

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan1 year ago

I might be disagreed with strongly but I wanted to propose two changes, despite the game still being in its development (in theory).

  • In the full-game run I consistently stutter and can't move the mouse for the first second of the first level, which I wondered if anyone else has experienced. If so it might make more sense to time runs from the first input, despite everyone being at possibly the same disadvantage already, than from the fade-in. Might make that tiny bit of time easier to play in.

  • Would there be any chance of an Any% 'No OoB' category or 'Glitchless' any%? I'm personally fairly capable of the current strats but having a more straightforward category does encourage new runners in my experience, and I sort of miss the routing that now gets completely cut out by the OoB skips. Additionally from poli's streams, I can see the potential for further out-of-bounds glitches and it's becoming a very different overall route and set of strategies. 'No OoB' could be fun in a different, more combat-friendly way :D

Thanks for reading

No1normal tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan1 year ago

I've from time to time been really invested in ongoing glitch-hunts or strategy discussions and I'd love to hear everyone's best out of context snippets from discussions like that.

My entry, not written by me, from a routing discussion, is this: "Using the double gravy race glitch meerkat found before you start the cutscene usually softlocks you, but if you are playing the toaster minigame at the same time you can regain control."

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

This has been asked about many times over the last year~ in various threads, to no avail. I'm begging anyone at Elo who reads this to consider or at least respond to this post, regarding forum moderators.

It's not reasonable for one person to have the workload every day banning new bots that invade the forums with links or copied posts that get edited, later on, currently, they're easy to spot and a huge problem. Right now I'd bet the threads below this are created by a red-named, two-part name account with a post that WILL be edited maliciously.

I and many others would happily volunteer to do this, the forum looks worse than I can remember seeing it, and through no fault of star, bots can persist for days at a time.

Gaming_64, KilleDragon och 4 andra gillar detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

This isn't a very new or original idea, it might've even been suggested before, but bear with me

I've become exhausted with my standard crop of speedgames recently and I want something completely new to run on an odd evening. So this is my challenge, to anyone and everyone:

  • Whatever the first result is, barring financial difficulties like having to buy a console (or a ZX Spectrum), make a committed attempt at placing high in the default category (unless obviously it's a hugely contested game)

It's like indeed, the job-seeking company, the game will come to you, and in this case, don't dismiss it :) I'm aware that Farmington and the Mobile Speedrunning Discord probably won't be bothered by an idea like this, but I think it'll be fun.

I got and I will be trying it tomorrow :P

jackzfiml, Jubilee och 3 andra gillar detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

If you're interested in helping here, join the discord linked on this page, and send me a DM at RaggedDan#1382 or at Neon#3894

Widestsinger tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

Not to say other runners on the board are bad, but sometimes you just find runners who are absolutely insanely good at their games, either for a huge amount of practice or their extensive gameplay before trying to speedrun it.

I think @BBF on I Wanna Be The Boshy is a good contender - this is just one category but essentially all of them look something like this

Merl_ tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

Amazingly the Low% record got untied again, to 29 seconds.

  • The new record skipped the next second barrier, missing 30 completely somehow
  • The runner @Sharkking1515 starts way further up the stairs (gains visibility) way later than any other runner of the category thus far.
  • The game freezes erratically before the run for a long time, then again at 0:31, which is really odd.
  • They don't leave the house as soon as possible, when the owner comes back, they wait around in the house for a second or two. Despite these factors, it's still an enormous record and I have no idea how these factors didn't reduce the time. I don't think it's intentionally cheated but it's surely not a valid game state, if you retime the run from first visibility, manually, you get a time of 31.103 seconds (if we're being really generous).

There's just no way the real length of this run is 29 seconds, although I don't understand how the game calculated such a time

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

If you're unable to access the original game, and there's no solution after speaking in the server about it, or you prefer running a clone/replicate game of Piano Tiles 2, it might be eligible for its own leaderboard!

Follow the directions here if you're interested in setting one up (clone games are different from the original PT2 by CheetahMobile, to request a leaderboard)

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan2 years ago

If for some reason anyone finds this forum and would like:

  • VR specific categories
  • PvE gamemodes Let me know on this thread!
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan3 years ago

Not everyone will have an ongoing competition with others, but do you have a good-natured rivalry with another runner over a game/category? Don't have to name them of course!

I'm sure they'll agree with this, In the summer I battled over the Any% record for a small game called Teria with @suavgaming Good times

Gaming_64, Catsharked och 7 andra gillar detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan3 years ago

Greetings! I've moderated the TABS boards pretty consistently for about 2 years, but I'm now much busier in life and I need to delegate some moderation, possibly with more games I've headed up on

If you would like to help moderate the Totally Accurate Battle Simulator boards, please DM me on the site, or on Discord (send a friend request!)

Anyone who's interested should have:

  • Understanding of how to retime submitted speedruns, ( ) is very standard for YouTube runs.
  • At least some committed attempts at running the game
  • Familiarity with the rules for all main categories beforehand
  • Understand that they will need to check the site frequently for questions, messages, or submitted runs.

Previous experience is absolutely not required, as long as this thread is unlocked I'm still happy to receive messages about this.

Thanks all.

ArmouredCookie tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan3 years ago

I know it's a big ask, but I feel like adding milliseconds timing for What Never Was would be a good improvement, at least for Any%. Currently, 7th, 10th and 2nd are tied, there's also not an in-game time that simplifies time to decimals so I don't see why not.

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan3 years ago

Last year there was a forum discussion about runs having the wrong time input, This time I've been through (just the no-cheats Any%) leaderboard and found this set of runs. The main problem from the last post was that people have submitted runs with the wrong decimals, but they were verified without being corrected. I know I'm being a bit of a stickler here but on a game as optimised as GunBlood, where runs tend to be well under a minute, maybe half a second makes a big difference. The runs listed below are timed with Livesplit/an external timing program, where the time displayed at the end is the one attached to the run, but the decimals have either been input incorrectly, or the time is clearly wrong. I also don't agree with having the live split end time input as the final time really either when it's not been checked over/frame retimed, but hey it'd be fine really if the times were correct. 47.086 -> 47.860 50.096 -> 50.960 51.018 -> 51.180 52.058 -> 52.580 52.076 -> 52.760 53.035 -> 53.350 53.075 -> 53.750 56.014 -> 56.140 56.023 -> 56.230 57.002 -> 57.020 56.024 -> 56.240 1:10.024 -> 1:10.240 Clearly incorrect time Clearly incorrect time No evidence No evidence No evidence No evidence

I'm sure members of this community would appreciate slightly better leaderboard clarity, proper retiming would be awesome if possible!

Whilst I'm here can the IL rulesets be appended to include when the time starts and stops?

Edit: All of this has been fixed since posted

M_CBL_ tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan3 years ago

Hi all! So as you all likely know, Landfall reduced the available factions in-game and as far as I'm possibly able to find out this will not be reversed, All affected categories have been broken into two deviations:

  • All Units
  • Reduced Units

Reduced Units:

  • Renaissance
  • Dynasty
  • Introduction
  • Pirate
  • Spooky
  • Wild West (If you happen to currently hold a record in one of the above then it will likely never be broken)

Non-reduced units:

  • Adventure
  • Challenge
  • Simulation
  • Legacy (Has been changed but the only current run doesn't take advantage of currently disallowed units, so it doesn't make sense to split)

In addition to these changes:

  • Cheerleaders have been unbanned as Landfall made them more balanced some time ago and I didn't notice (sorry)
  • Full Game has not got two faction categories apart from the Original 7 which does.
  • The two 'in-between' full-game categories (being '+ Simulation' and '+ Simulation and Wild West') have been moved to a miscellaneous sub-section on the Full Game tab

Essentially, this means there are 6 brand new categories that are now fair and will be runnable once again. You are still welcome to do runs and submit them to the All Factions section but I imagine you'll have a hard time getting a record. Thanks for taking the time to read this and apologies I didn't go with this sooner; haven't had much free time, and the community seemed to think this was some kind of glitch for a while.

If you have any questions or improvement suggestions to the fixes then please post them here

Nukhebuk tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan4 years ago

Congrats to those who managed to stay above his time!

Bob_Bobinson och Nukhebuk gillar detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan4 years ago

I'm much busier in life at the moment and to be honest, I'm not engaged with the Rock Band community in general, outside this page. If there's anyone interested in moderating who knows a fair bit about and has played through games in the series then let me know! (on this thread or through DMs) I'll keep this forum open for a while and if nobody's interested then no problem.

teh_supar_hackr tycker om detta
Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan4 years ago

Firstly I want to say hi again, not posted much on here in the last 8 months! I wanted to mention that the Individual level submitted records and times are not exclusive to this website, if any of you have ever been on the old leaderboards over here: ( ) , you'll see that mostly all of the times on here have been beaten. I think it would be best to provide a link on the srcom page (here) (as the SSX Tricky moderators have done in a similar sense) to those leaderboards so people can cross-reference times. I am also aware that the old leaderboards are now inactive so it may also be an idea to put the records from the old website on here as non-user runs, which the mods are capable of doing. All just suggestions but I think it makes sense to do, as games predating this website have done a lot.

Glamorganshire, WalesRaggedDan4 years ago

Hello, guys! I'm in the process of getting the Drizzlepath series onto; I also want your suggestions on categories, such as 100% if there are any considerable bonus objectives or something similar. Thanks.

Om RaggedDan
I run many games special to me for one reason or another, sr.c's top-level ownership could improve a lot but they've done a fair bit well :)
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