Pac9 years ago

         ludendiProCow        ludendiProCow ludendiProCow      ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow    ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow ludendiProCow

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 2 andra gillar detta
Pac9 years ago

I went on Sunday, it was sick!

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

        gtaTyr       gtaTyr gtaTyr     gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr   gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr gtaTyr

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 3 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

Hey, welcome Hippie.

The DKC games weren't actually ready to supposed to be listed yet because we didn't contact anybody from the community about it (best not to step on anybody's toes, you know?). But if you're interested in helping out, we totally gotta talk about that some time.

grnts, YUMmy_Bacon5 och 2 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

As generous as it is of you to consider giving it to me, guys, after seeing the other options, I think oasiz and JustShanz are much more deserving of the money, and I'd like to see whatever I would have gotten go to them instead.

I don't really care about money anyway - that's why we don't have ads here :)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 10 andra gillar detta
tråd: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Hey btrim, sorry I'm late getting back to you. I've added both of those series and put you in charge of them. If you need anything else, let me know.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
tråd: Half-Life
Pac10 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

Welcome guys, good to have you here OpieOP

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 2 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 3 andra gillar detta
tråd: The Site
Pac10 years ago

EDIT: If you got here from Google, please use soeedrun.com/requestgame.

Well, if there's not already a leaderboard for a game, I can add one and put you in charge of it. But if there is, then we should talk to whoever manages the leaderboard for that game and see if they're interested in moving over.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 2 andra gillar detta
tråd: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Actually, I want to finish the site a bit before promoting it.

There are a lot of broken things that I need to fix, and new features I need to add.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
tråd: The Site
Pac10 years ago

That's right, SpeedRunRecords is no more. I managed to get speedrun.com for $3,500 :D

I also added URL abbreviations for games. For example:

www.speedrunrecords.com/Grand_Theft_Auto_Vice_City => www.speedrun.com/gtavc

I hope everybody doesn't mind logging in again (it's the cost of changing domain). I also added a reset password option in case anybody's forgotten.

More updates soon (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 32 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

[quote=Fil_maj_rasz]btw beautiful pic from France Pac [/quote]It's actually Tokyo Tower, but it was inspired by the Eiffel Tower so it's an easy mistake ;)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
tråd: The Site
Pac10 years ago

The site's been growing a bit lately, and I just wanted to share some recent changes:

• Millisecond support has been added for leaderboards (optionally enabled by mods of each game) • Extra variables are enabled for each game (again, enabled by mods) • The leaderboards will now load a lot more quickly • The categories for leaderboards are now selectable from the headings, instead of a drop-down menu • The double run submission glitch has been fixed • You can now have multiple spots on the leaderboard for each console/platform you used • We also recently got the /half-life series set up, and we've had a few new users due to that. • Individual level leaderboards are almost finished; I'm currently making them all display nicely on a chart. • A new name colour is available - Fuchsia PogChamp • A hitbox field has been added to your profiles. I'll get hitbox streams to show in the Streams page as soon as they improve their API to allow that. • For moderators rejecting runs, they will be asked to give a reason which will be visible to the player • Notifications have been added. It's very basic for now but I'll improve the functionality soon (so that you can see more than the 15 latest). • When your run has been approved, you will get a notification telling you so • You can now Like posts. Try it out ↑  You will get a notification when someone Likes your post

As for stats, we're having about 125 users online and 9,000 hits every day, about 8 new users every day, and 473 users total

More updates soon!

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 8 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

Just so everybody knows, there's a hitbox field in your profile now. I'll be making the Streams page detect hitbox's live streams as soon as they improve their API.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 och 3 andra gillar detta
Pac10 years ago


YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago


I just tested it in Chrome and got the same thing... how odd

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

Prove everybody wrong - get a nice clean new PB.

I know you feel like your current PB should be valid and that you shouldn't have to get a new one, but isn't the point of speedrunning to strive to get a better time anyway?

People will respect you if you give them a reason to :)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Pac10 years ago

Come on, no need for all this hostility. Can't we just be diplomatic about this?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, och Noice gillar detta
Om Pac
Gick med
10 years ago
3 years ago