tråd: Ctrl CV
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

Here is the video of me beating hard mode:

Is there another ending that you know of other than the normal one and this one?

tråd: Ctrl CV
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

I now have screenshots of the Secret World.


I plan to upload a video of a playthrough of it tonight.

tråd: Ctrl CV
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

I was doing some runs of the game's hard mode and I figured out it was faster to enter hard mode through the time trials rather than the normal entrance. After completing the game through the time trials, a different end cutscene played and it transported me to a special secret world.

Is this world intended to be part of the Hard Mode speedrun?

If it isn't intended to be part of the speedrun, I would propose an any% and a 100% Hard mode speedrun. You would only have to beat the secret world in the 100% run.

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

no thanks

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

Extreme Rainbow Levels are not locked and may be completed in any order you wish.

Also, @MrFun, any pack DLC or not is eligible for a speedrun. You just have to request the category in the forums category request thread.

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

The levels are not locked and may be done in any order

Also your link is missing from your post

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

Amoeba and Variety Packs added.

Patrick1O tycker om detta
tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF6 years ago

Warps and Hexes samplers added.

Patrick1O tycker om detta
tråd: The Site
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

One week ago user Low_Life posted in this forum. Here was what he typed:

"hello, i want to be a moderator of jotun, because i start to run this game about 3 months and never get my run on the leaderboard, i tried to contact the mods in e-mail but i did not get an answer, i'll be a frequent moderator and i want to verify all run of this game in the future, my account may be very new, but i visit this site a very long ago and want to stay here for long."

Tron_Javolta responded with this

"Low_Life your response kinda doesn't make sense.. you emailed them? How'd you find their email? Why not use discord for the regular mod person?? How have you been running for 3 months as well and not get your run accepted when your account is 5 days old? Do you have a different account? I see that your run was uploaded on the 21st"

His post was a bit confusing because he is not a native English speaker, so I am here to clarify for him.

1 year ago the supermod for the game said he was not going to be active on this site and that anyone that is interested in submitting a run should email him. Here is the thread in case you want to check it out: http://www.speedrun.com/Jotun/thread/an6lj

Both LowLife and I have emailed the moderator with no response and as far as I am aware, he has not logged onto this site in the past 7 months. The run was verified by someone who is not a Supermod and isnt really that interested in the game anymore. What LowLife and I are requesting is to either promote the current mod to a super mod, or promote one of us to a Supermod so we can verify runs and manage the rest of the page.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

YUMmy_Bacon5, RamVal, och Shirou359 gillar detta
tråd: Talk
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

The Uncharted games are pretty good PS4 speed games.

tråd: Jotun
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

I'll make a guide post once I have guides for all 6 bosses.

Shirou359 tycker om detta
tråd: Jotun
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

I'm currently in the process of recording guides for speedrunning the bosses in Valhalla mode with live commentary.

Part one with Jera's walkthrough, where I manage to beat Jera in 39 seconds in game time, is already uploaded here:

Part two with Fé's walkthrough can be found here:

I'll edit with more as I make them. They take me a while to record though because I'm pretty bad at playing and talking at the same time.

My Steam Community Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198199224154/ Feel free to add me to talk about strats for any of the bosses.

Once I have recorded all 6 tutorials I'll put them together in the guides tab, but for now I'm going to leave them here.

P.S. If any mods read this, it would be great to set up individual level leaderboards for boss fights that use in game time for Valhalla mode.

Shirou359 och Ashe_Goto gillar detta
tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

I've only ever done 5x5 time trials on the original.

Here are my scores: http://imgur.com/a/EmdcF

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

The new update released a ton of cool new levels, but also released a way to skip the level completion screen by tapping anywhere on the screen after you beat a level.

This makes runs faster but makes it harder to moderate because I won't be able to see the level completion screen to verify that you got perfect. It should still be relatively easy by watching the move count, but it is kind of a pain.

Just wanted to let everyone know about the new skip but please do be careful you don't upload an invalid run as it is now harder to spot them.

P.S. I was in the process of uploading an hours worth of runs that now don't really matter because they were done before the level screen skip. RIP runs.

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

Yeah. I'm not willing to restart my progress on packs that I haven't beaten and i definitely am not giving up my 300 something daily streak.

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

Yeah the party pack just got added. I'll give it a category

Edit: Category is now officially added.

Patrick1O tycker om detta
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

The link for the world record in 18 holes golf links to the video manager in Youtube and can only be seen by the channel owner of the run.

tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

Make your category requests here.

Ideally, I will add all the packs as someone runs them because I don't want to have 20 empty categories sitting around for a long time.

Patrick1O tycker om detta
tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

You must attain perfect status on all levels. This is the final rule listed under every category.

If you get lost during a puzzle and solving it with a multitude of moves helps you work out the solution, you may do so during your run but make sure you refresh the level and complete it with perfect status.

I'm almost certain that all currently verified runs have all perfect levels, but, with 150 levels per run, it is possible that I have missed one. If you see any runs with an imperfect level, let me know and it will be invalidated.

Astrauwu tycker om detta
tråd: Flow Free
Pennsylvania, USAPSCHARFF7 years ago

Talk about anything here, game related or not.

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