i really have no comments! i will post here every single video proof for my defense and my accusations, after that its up to all of you to decided, i just would like to request that you keep this thread open, until i am done with the proofs, because i will have to replay games to offer some evidence! after that you can do as you wish! i wont even comment! meanwhile i am not submitting any records on my own, and will let people decide by themselves, after that i am off, this is a honour question not a continuing question! i will avoid mentioning names but there are some i will have to talk of to prove they are wrong, thank you!
This is the full playlist that will play all the videos of proofs i will be posting during the next days https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ikW7vtkYKVdrcbW43Hz9QE1VAmh3qop
Proof of inocence 1 - clean world record while playing USFIV Ryu trials 1 st challenge no edit no tas no crap like some of you claim it is, notice i can do this in lans events and offline shows, does some of you who have the records can? directly recorded from my ps4
Proof of acusation 1 - Game versions do not match, framerate does not match, input framerate does not match, but mine runs are invalid and others not! not to mention the user in question does mistakes on his run and fails some inputs and i almost do a flawless one without any mistakes, and he still gets the best time then me in the end, not acusing anyone from cheating just talking about real stuff that is spread all over your Street Fighter series community! the loading times dont match, even the animations from the finisher have almost the double speed compared to mine! just prooving what i allready said that there are some invalid records and people simply doesnt want to see it! Left footage belongs to me , right footage belongs to the actual record at the USFIV trials credits for him for the right footage, not going to mention any names, and again not acusing anyone just prooving this is not the game version that it should be! and if it is the same version then something is wrong then i must say ironicaly i am the one who edits videos rofl! notice that i placed both videos running at the same time from the moment you click on the 1st trial, like stated in your rules
Proof of inocence number 2 - Clean record arcade (09:59) Theres nothing edited on the video besides the watermark you can compare it to anyone else runs, i am fine with that
Proof of inocence number 2 - Clean record arcade (04:03) feel free to do all the tests you want its clean
Proof of acusation number 2 - rules are not clear! and valide runs are rejected! some of you are so clueless, that you dont even know there is no Super Street Fighter IV version for PS4 the only thing that exists is Ultra Street Fighter IV that has both ports to be played online and offline on versus modes and trials, arcade mode is the very same thing! so if you accept the PS4 port for this game than the only one that exists is the USFIV PS4 game, because there is no SSFIV, google it!
Your rules stated in this game and this category
The rejected runs with the motifs
This one is for you Token directly! you refused my run because i used Oni! If you check the SSFIV correctly the guy who has the 1st record uses the very same guy Oni! Not to mention you claim there is no Oni in the SSFIV version and that is completly ridiculuos because Oni belongs to the SSFIV version, you refused wich proofs you do claims without even having the minimum knowledge! competitive player right? and doesnt even know wich fighter belongs to wich version rofl! but i will tell you, the only fighters who dont belong to SSFIV are Decapre, Elena, Hugo, Poison, and Rolento! I used Zangief for my hardest speed run and Oni for the easiest speed run, and Hugo for the USFIV, Just in case! Fix your rules or get some knowledge on the game before being moderators of it! Also what you claimed would be valid if we were talking about Street Fighter IV the very first, but this isnt the case, we are talking about Super Street Fighter IV, open your eyes please! And in the others you also claim this has nothing to do with Super Street Fighter IV lol! THE USFIV version has both ports and in your RULES you accept the PS4 version! It doesnt make any sense the motifs and shows how clueless you some of the moderators are!
Official Final Update changes USFIV Update Edition - Capcom http://www.capcom-unity.com/combofiend/blog/2014/05/22/usfiv-final-character-change-list
For this series you can look all over the place in youtube for the same videos, you wont find any, its impossible, this videos were never upload in the website, unless any of you uploads them for me just to try and incriminate me more!
EPISODE NUMBER 3 - Unreal Tournament
The acusation - Rejected: reviewing this run for a second time, it seems to be segmented and not single segmented. the menu after the loading screen for the next map is not locked for the 5(?) seconds it is supposed to be. Please do a single segmented run next time and I will review it and double check it and see if it is verifiable. Sorry for this but I forgot to double check this run
this is the video in question
Proof of inocence - First point, this was 1 complete run, not edited single segmented. From what i have seen from other people submitted runs they used patch 436, i used patch 451b and there is no rules refering if we have to use one or another, my .inis and rendering configurations had to be " twekead" , otherelse the game would like it was flying and becomes unstable to play, i also have a big brightness on my game because i like to play it this way. There is no cheat no stolen video nothing...... this run was only rejected when all the problems with Street Fighter came up, the person who has the first place submitted a total RTA of 14m04s and Ingame time of 12m58s , i did RTA 13m06s and ingame time of 09m52s, also if we go through the 5 second between maps logic and we add that time to the run i did, you would have to multiply 5 seconds 9 maps ( wich are the total maps you have to play for this run) this would add 45seconds to my run wich would make it a total RTA time of 13m51s and in game time of 10m37s wich is still better then the current record and i am not counting my loading time if if we take that loading time its even that the total RTA and ingame time, i didnt edit anything on this run and the game runs a litle faster with 451b just in case, there is no proof i edited this but the run was still rejected. If this was indeed edited i could have perform almost every map around 50 to 55 seconds on a perfect run, why this is not the case then? that would probly give me a ingame time of 7 minutes lol, this one is clean clean and more then clean.
Episode Number 4 - Street Fighter 3rd New Generation 2nd impact - Acused of stealing and editing
Video 1 - New generation
This is the video i submited
Acusation - Stolen video and edited video
I still didnt understand why this legit run was rejected, there is nothing edited on this video the gameplay, and i didnt stole this from anyone!
Video 2 - SF 3rd 2nd impact
Acusation - Stolen video and edited video
Proof of inocence and guilty - For the 2nd impact i allways use the japan arcade version to play it because it feels more fast, i checked the links nombre and token posted and confirmed myself there is indeed another video with the very same gameplay posted on another YT channel, but again, i didnt stole anything this gameplay was done by myself on my old times and is the real record for the arcade version of the game, and even if my site is up like someone said in this thread
" Also your own website being activated and having the videos hosted on it won't help, really. How would anyone know you didn't just upload the videos on it the day before you post the link? The integral piece of evidence you need isn't a website, or "word" of someone that can vouch for you. You need evidence in the form that proves your video was posted at the exact time that you say it was. How will we know this is the case? "
Well how am i supposed to proof it then? if i redo a run it isnt proof, if i reactivate the site it isnt proof, then what is a valid proof then? Not to mention if we follow this logic, then there is no proof who the real owner of the video is, timestamps? they arent proof following this logic, because i could also have this theory and logic theory to defend myself! Any of you and me decides to do video gameplays however one of us uses youtube the other doesnt, so the one who has youtube uploads all the clips, including the ones that arent from him, later after that the second person who doesnt have youtube decides to create his own channel and uploads the very same gameplay from the 1st person, how can his footage be considered stolen? where are the proofs of this?? Anyway apart from this, there is guilty on this video,, i was accused of editing the video by Token and he is right, i did edit this video in the very start, simply because i use the japanease version, and the console doesnt show up on the other language then JAP, so i opened up the American version and recorded the game console of it, so any person could actually understand the settings of it and see i was doing nothing wrong, so yeah i am guilty for this. The gameplay is clean.
proof of inocence 1 - http://sendvid.com/grvm6q7b proof of inocence 2 - http://sendvid.com/mx1vgl8j
Episode 5 - Street Fighter Alpha 3
Now this is when things start to get interesting at least on my point of view, i am acused of stealing and cheating https://www.speedrun.com/sfa3/thread/no46b this is the thread where all this begun, i provided some legit proof, because 1 year ago i got a strike from the user who you claim i " stole " the videos from, youtube requested proofs from my side to understand if his claims were legit or not, it was prooven ( on this date May 2015 our website was still online ) that it werent, youtube also proposed to close his channel, but i did a request not to do it and just to give him a punishment of some kind because he has more then 100 videos on his channel, most of the Street Fighter Series he has on his channel he indirectly admits that its not him playing and gives some stupid random names to justify the person who played for him, normally " american friend " that very same series of Hyper belongs to me, in my point of view and i speak for myself, i dont have any friends who come to my place and do more than 100 videos for youtube, but i really never gaved much attention to this because i dont mind if someone uploads my videos as long they ask for it, on his alpha series even in the end he didnt change the 3 letters for the rankings board! I used for all the alpha series lpf because when i done this i dedicated this to my son who was going to born called Luis Pereira Fontes Rodrigues, that is his complete name and i used that 3 letters to dedicate the series for him, this very same user changed his name from michel08 to michelpf08 so it would look like legit, and all he had to do is upload the videos directly to his channel this is one of the videos in question El_nombre acused because it is the one i submitted but we are talking about runs with all other fighters
Proof of inocence - http://sendvid.com/ywatijfv Proof of inocence - i still have all the emails i got from youtube when i was striked but for some people like Token and some others this wasnt proof enough so i dedicded to not even upload it since the video is more than enough to proof you are completly wrong
Episode 6 - Street Fighter Alpha
Same story this time regards to another user who i stole from ( lol, i dont have anything else to do then steal videos right? ) 2 videos were posted and i checked myself and indeed they have the same footage, the users who uploaded them also claimed them to be TAS, well honestly i wouldnt be so sure about that! so your acusation claims that i stole, submit invalid run, and plus i cheated! Feel free to proof that because there is no proof regarding this.
Proof of inocence - Ken All perfect run http://sendvid.com/ug26qf2m Proof of inocence - Guy All perfect run http://sendvid.com/wgctrbf7
Episode 7 - SF2 World Warrior
When i submited the run, the rules werent clear about using the game bosses of the game, so i did submit one of my runs i have done with sagat the video is indeed the same to the one provided by El_Nombre and Token. I checked all the videos the user has, and he has 4 videos with all the bosses, played by myself, he didnt even bother again to change the end part, there was a street fighter team called World Wrestling Federation from Portugal who were users in our website and i dedicated those to them, the SF2 Champion edition i did with balrog also apllies to this but this time for the team leader, thats the reason for the WWF in the end.
Proof of inocence - http://sendvid.com/t48rv8dx
Episode 8 - SF2 Champion Edition
Same story as above but this time i marked in the end of the video i used FJO, wich means Feijao in Portuguese, and on English , Bean, beause the WWF team leader used this nickname WWF/Bean
Episode 9 - Street Fighter Ex i checked and double checked the only Street Fighter Ex Video and they dont match, so again another proofless claim, also i didnt delete it because i was scared like Token claimed, because if i was so scared i would have delete them all in the first place But again i checked myself the url provided and the video doesnt even match, its not the same so no point on this one
Episode 10 - Street Fighter Alpha 3 Another false and stupid acusation in the first place, the video is supposed to be stolen and edited????
Feel free to esplain why in the hell would i edit a video with a time that beats any of your records on your board???? This is a PS version and i also submited a video using the PSP version, and ended up deleting it because now there are separate boards and before this wasnt the case!
Proof of inocence -
Feel free to proof this is cheats or is stolen or edited ! i really wanna hear that lol!
Episode 11 - The lack of understanding
This is the details proofs, showing how much some people didnt care about what i said or never believed innit
Token saw El_Nombre post on the moderation thread, requesting some SF moderation because of my supposed stolen videos!
Token immediatly removed all my records, leaving only USFIV Medium-Hard record, dont worrie bud i allready deleted it myself because honestly i dont want to be part of this anymore, just in case so you dont waste your time!
Token requested to reply on this thread , this is the proof
I even went to twitter before posting any of this or the other thread he requested to reply ( something i never use, just registed myself there) and talk to him, but all i got was short answers This is the proof https://postimg.org/image/5a5vokquz/
I really tried to deal with this as private and cool as i possibly could but no one gave me the chance to do it so i came otherwise what a lot of users said, claiming i came here because i wanted!
Not to mention about all other people critics i got and the insults i got in the first place and the situation i was put into from people who had nothing to do with this, plus people i didnt know at all, so i dediced to open this thread to show how much ignorant people and the global society is sometimes when it comes to judging third persons.
I also proposed to let anyone pick a fighter and do myself a run with a fighter of their choice and even stream it so people could actually watch live without excuses. i challenged anyone on the SF series thread, no one had the balls to play agaisnt me.
Be happy Token and all the others, like i stated this was for me a honour question not a continuing question, so now i can finally rest in peace! Be happy with your dead commuunity and your lack of knowledge and misunderstanding to know facts and stories from each side before making a judgement and this was indeed unfair and not a equal treatment because no one would listen! Also would like to thank you to make me waste such a preciouus amount of time for this if you guys get straight facts with straight proofs nothing like this would ever happen.
I also would like to thank El_Nombre for ridicularizing my name this way, and i also would like to thank myself for not preventing this by striking every fucking channel that has videos created by me. I have to assume responsabilities and this is one of them, if i act before, nothing like this would ever happen!
I would like to appoligze everyone who directly or indirectly wasted their time regarding this situation including you Token.
I also would like to thank BurnInHell because he had nothing to do with this and doesnt even belong to this community, for wasting his time checking all the website records to help me out and checking each video urls one by one to proof this was actually mine in the first place credits to you bro!
This is the proof i talked with him, before someone comes up with a new theory, using mirc on a private network some fighting game players use
and this is the translation of it
<BurnInHell> sup pani <BurnInHell> you there boy? <Panicore> yes <Panicore> tell me things <Panicore> How are you? <BurnInHell> yep chilling <BurnInHell> I got good news for you allready verified <BurnInHell> over 150 urls <BurnInHell> i have allready 3 links with videos <BurnInHell> that people download and upload to youtube <Panicore> really? <Panicore> nice <Panicore> Thanks man <BurnInHell> the others i am still verifiyng <BurnInHell> you know this takes some time because i have to check them one by one <BurnInHell> and see wich videos match with the links you provided <BurnInHell> but this videos are defenitly yours <BurnInHell> link <BurnInHell> look at that one from ken <BurnInHell> lol <BurnInHell> people downloaded the videos and removed your intros to place on their own channel <BurnInHell> hahaha <Panicore> lol! yeh but after that its me who looks bad!! <Panicore> because this people are tired of critic me and insulting me <BurnInHell> yeah you are right i read some comments on their forum <BurnInHell> but forget about it, dont be mad <BurnInHell> if you want i can regist an account there on their site and i esplain you are the owner of all that videos and we have proofs for it <Panicore> its not worth it <Panicore> just give me the links and i will place them on the thread i opened <Panicore> because i have some photos and gameplay <Panicore> and even if you do that, they will allways search a excuse and say something to justify <Panicore> dont waste your time with that <BurnInHell> ok cool <BurnInHell> i am looking into it, dont worrie, from what i have seen almost all the videos are online <Panicore> isnt it possible to request to remove them? I didnt even know the links were still active <Panicore> i tought you placed everything on the website storage <BurnInHell> not really that would steal so much space from it <BurnInHell> i used the links from shared that you used to embbed them to the website directly <BurnInHell> this way i could save storage <Panicore> ok! very good <Panicore> isnt it possible to remove it? i dont even have the email from that account <BurnInHell> yes <BurnInHell> i will send a email to the web admin of the upload site and ask to remove all of them <Panicore> ok <Panicore> do that please if you can <Panicore> or give me the email and i request it myself <BurnInHell> ok meanwhile i will backup in one of my disks <BurnInHell> if you need one of them you just have to tell me
Stay cool and consider this my final statement, i think i didnt forgot anything, you can now judge everything you want, feel free to kill my account!
Thanks and stay cool!
Hey guys i have seen there are different categories for trials, i would like to ask ir this is to do all of them in 1 go or you can do this individually, or even if you can do a speed run with all of them, and after that cut and submit the videos for each fighter ? Just asking before i do this! Cheers
Rules Permitted Ports: -Arcade and MAME -Street Fighter Collection (PSX & SegaSaturn)
Special Rules: -defeault difficulty -The timer starts when the character is selected and stops when the final blow is delivered to M. Bison. -Continues are permitted.
his run is not on hardest obviously, before the game he doesnt show his settings, after that in the very first game he goes walking straight to the cpu and cpu does nothing then waiting for him!!!! thats guarantee its not hardest at all, so rules are violated and the run is invalid.
Hey guys sup? My name is Panicorept , i am a portuguese guy who was a competitive fighter on my old days, i joined this website because i tought it could be fun to play some retro games, do some gaming videos etc! i joined 1 week ago and i allready had countless problems! There is a new moderator on Street Fighter Series, hocinehocine, who keeps canceling clean and valid runs from people so he can be on first spot, recently on Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 this guy beats the record using easy mode and high damage!!!! and in the rules its written he has to play with default settings! since he is a moderator he does whatever he wants! he rejected 17 valid runs i did and made me redo videos on my youtube channel because of his crazy statements he even asked me on youtube private messages to let him have the records and stop playing Street Fighter and go play other game so he could have them all! i have proofs of everything i say! is this normal? Can someone at least check my videos and see that i am using the good versions of the game? This guy is moderator and doesnt even respect the rules just to break records! and if you do the same as he does, he rejects your run, so whats the point and justice for that? I rather not waste my time then, then playing agaisnt a person who does everything possible just to cheat the fucking times to be 1st spot man and plus he is your moderator, he should be the first giving the example! can someone do something about this? i am really close to quit and i am here for 1 week only because with people like this, and even worse with power to do whatever they want its fucked up to play around here honestly, i am looking for a clean challenge not this bullshit and waste of my time! Stay cool and hope someone can help! otherelse i am quitting this website for good because there is no point playing like this around here. cheers
the first one is World Warrior second one is CE how difficult is that to understand? What an asshole!
Hey guys since i am having some problems with the Street Fighter community because it looks like everyone is completly burthurt and tries to search 40 excuses because they cannot keep up i decided to stop with this right now and i would like to play some ut a game i played for years at top level during the clanbase.com times when it was still alive! My question is, for example you guys have a full run campaign, if for example i do that run and in the meantime i beat the records for DM Assault or even CTF, can i cut that part example " Assault because i did a great time " and still can submit my run on that mode, or do i have to do all this in separate ways? example do 1 video with assault only plus CTF only plus DM only and 1 for campaign only? Or can i use my campaign run and still cut the Modes videos and submit the runs individually even if they match mine campaign run? I hope i esplained correctly lol , cheers guys
So my run was rejected because of this motif ;
Rejected: Must be on the hardest difficulty and show your difficulty settings. We'll see about creating a "default settings" category for you to submit this to.
Now tell me, hocine has his record without any show of the difficult that he plays on? I am doing videos for here for 1 week and i am starting to get tired of this allready as there are rules for ones and others not so much, mine SSFIV runs were also rejected because someone said they have to be set at 2 rounds, but both records that are posted are both set with 1 round only? jesus this doesnt make any sense.