California, USAOne1Won6 years ago

I think I asked about this on the discord earlier but didn't get a good answer so I thought maybe leaving a message on forums where it may not be lost due to flow of chat may be more helpful.

I used to own this game and I still have some of the CDs but I've lost the play disc and afaik I have no way to play or install this game fully as is.

Anyone know if the game's been preserved somewhere kinda like how bfme series are?

I imagine you can get physical copies purchased on Amazon, ebay, old game shops and such but I'd like to look for legitimate alternatives online if possible.

California, USAOne1Won6 years ago

I made my first entry into speedrunning and into HS speedrunning just few days ago and I wanted to share couple of strats I used there. I don't think they are optimal but it's mostly different from what I've seen other runners use before. All listed strats take about 4min on average per boss. I'm happy if I get under 4min in my runs and it's unfortunate if you happen to be near or past 5min (or worse, need to reset) with the decks/strats I present to you below.

Maeexna: https://imgur.com/w9Vdibv AAEBAa0GBAnFBO0FubICDaEE5QTJBtMK1QrWCpEPlhShrALRwQLwzwLL5gK98wIA It's yet another Alex-Mindblast Priest but do note the Duskbreakers. Since maexxna keeps bouncing them, you can pretty much board clear for days as long as you have another dragon in hand, but do watch your hand size. It also includes a plethora of board clears and some healing to ensure you can survive until you can setup 2 turn lethal. The Shadowbombers were a nice addition that came from srd's iteration and you can often use it to find/setup lethal when you have alex and 1 mindblast but no other damage sources.

Heigan: https://imgur.com/a/mdQd7RY AAEBAf0GBrYHwg+X0wLD8wLF8wKPggMMowGSB84H1gfcCo4Oj8cC+NAC/dACi+EC/OUC6OcCAA== I'd say this is an unoptimized list but I hope I can get across the main ideas presented in the deck. The plan is to mulligan to find tools to deal with Heigan's turn 0 voidcaller + whatever he vomits on the board in first 1-2 turns, including the voidcaller deathrattle. Once you clear that board you aim to stabilize with reavers, giants and voidcaller/lackey pulls into one of your big demons and establish a huge board that will run over him.

Thaddius: https://imgur.com/a/aluz6bz AAEBAf0GBs4HhA6FDsIP8fcCj4IDDJIH1gfcCo4O9Q+FEI/HAvjQAv3QAovhAujnAsPzAgA= Strategically, this is in the same vein as Heigan. I honestly applied the idea to this deck first then went back to Heigan and made changes. Main difference is that we're taking advantage of Boss's Stalag and Feugen to make our own Stalag/Feugen even more potent. It's even more imperative you have a good removal based start on this one or your life will evaporate much more quickly compared to Heigan. Corrupting Mist and Curse of Weakness are MVP cards though I would not keep curse of weakness in mulligans if I didn't have something to deal with Stalag and Feugen in hand already because it only really shines when you can echo it.

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Om One1Won
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