Cannot be verified, please submit to a link to something I can access (such as youtube) Right now you have submitted only the file location of your pc, not your actual video.
I cannot verify a run that is stored on your computer directly [file:///C:/Users/Lukil/Downloads/2024-05-22%2018-09-00.mkv] instead, try youtube
a slightly better level 5 and 9, and better rng at level 8, and you have the world record in reach!
keep in mind the run only ends once you jump on the platform that takes you away, that might be handy next time :)
I verified the run however it was ended too soon, feel free to join the discord for more info. I ended up adding the average time for the missing part.
I see you also found the strat with spider7k. gj!
I like it a lot, but just like other catagory ideas like this there will probably be only 1 or 2 people who would run it, so making it an official catagory probably wont happen :(.
nice! 20s less than you thought even :D